Definition of an ordinance
(Topics & Questions -> Ordinances)
What is a sacred, formal act or ceremony performed by the authority of the priesthood?
The person who ordained Joseph Smith & Oliver Cowdery to the Aaronic Priesthood (Header of D&C 13)
Who is John the Baptist?
The first definition of the term "priesthood keys" given by Elder Renlund in this week's "Come Follow Me"
What is the specific right or privilege conferred upon all who receive the Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood?
The Dublin Ireland Temple was announced in this session of general conference
What is October 2024 General Conference?
Three blessings received by Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery after their baptism (Joseph Smith History 1:73-74)
What are the spirit of prophecy, being filled with the Holy Ghost, and revelation (understanding the scriptures, minds enlightened)?
The people who directed John the Baptist to confer the Aaronic Priesthood on Joseph & Oliver (D&C 13 Header)
Who are Peter, James, and John?
The three keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood mentioned by Elder Renlund in this week's "Come Follow Me"
What are the keys of the ministering of the mysteries of the kingdom, the knowledge of God, and the keys of all the spiritual blessings in the church?
The decade when the first missionary arrived in Ireland
When is 1840?
Two blessings of receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood (D&C 84:19-22)
What are understanding the mysteries of the kingdom of God, receiving knowledge from God, receiving the power of God, seeing the face of God?
The three keys of the Aaronic Priesthood that John the Baptist mentioned while conferring the priesthood on Joseph Smith & Oliver Cowdery (D&C 13:1)
What are the keys of the ministering of angels, the gospel of repentance, and baptism by immersion for the remission of sins?
The second definition of the term "priesthood keys" given by Elder Renlund in this week's "Come Follow Me"
What is the authority and power to direct, lead, and govern the church?
The decade when the first branch in Dublin was created
When were the 1850's?
The difference between salvation and exaltation (April 2008 General Conference, "Salvation and Exaltation")
What is salvation is being saved from physical and spiritual death, while exaltation is the highest state of happiness and glory in the celestial realm?
The meaning of "The ministering of angels" (2 Nephi 32:2-3)
What is speaking by the power of the Holy Ghost and/or speaking the words of Christ?
Name everyone in our ward who has leadership priesthood keys
Who are Bishop Assante & Brother Straack?
The number of church buildings on the island of Ireland (includes Northern Ireland)
What are 21 buildings? (12 in Republic of Ireland, 9 in Northern Ireland)
The five ordinances necessary for exaltation (Topics & Questions -> Ordinances)
BONUS - Name one ordinance not mentioned in the section (100 points)
What are Baptism, Receiving the Holy Ghost, Receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood, Endowment, Sealing?
Name 2 ways we can preach the gospel of repentance, as found in Moroni 7:31-32
What are help people make covenants with God, declaring the word of Christ, increasing others faith in Christ, and help others feel the Spirit?
Name three priesthood offices outside of wards that hold leadership keys
Members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles hold all the keys necessary for governing the Church. Only the President of the Church has the right to exercise all of those keys. He delegates these keys to others who preside in the Church—temple presidents, mission presidents, stake presidents, district presidents, bishops, branch presidents, and quorum presidents, including deacons and teachers quorum presidents.
The location where Brother Smith served his mission
Where is New York City?