What is the first book of the Book of Mormon??
What two books make up the Bible?
Old Testament & New Testament
What does D&C stand for?
Doctrine & Covenants
What sport does King James play?
Largest state in the USA?
Who translated the Book of Mormon?
Joseph Smith Jr.
Who got swallowed by a whale?
What does it mean to repent?
To ask God for forgiveness, and change your ways.
What is it called in golf when you hit the ball straight into the hole from the Tee box?
Hole in One
What is our last name?
Which Angel showed Joseph Smith where to find the plates?
Angel Moroni
Which prophet parted the Red Sea?
What does D&C 18:10 teach?
Worth of souls is great in the sight of God
What is the most popular sport in the world?
What is the next Holiday?
St Patricks Day!
How many pages (In hundreds) is the Book of Mormon?
531 (500)
Name two of Jesus' Apostles
Peter, John, etc.
Name 2 ways you can be a missionary TODAY
Text a friend, Social Media, Video games, family, etc.
What is the name of the Kansas City Chiefs Coach?
Andy Reid
How many hours are in two days?
What are the names of two groups who battle throughout the Book of Mormon?
Nephites & Lamanites
Which translation/version of the Bible do we read?
King James Version
Martin Harris
What score is a perfect game in Bowling?
Who was the President of the USA in 2013?
Barack Obama