A worthy member of the Church who is at least 12 years old may participate in this sacred ordinance.
Baptism for the dead
What is Joseph Smith's middle name?
Trick question he does not have one.
Who was David Whitmer's father? (This is common knowledge)
Peter Whitmer Sr.
This man was the youngest church president in our dispensation at 25 years old.
Joseph Smith
The first team to write down anywhere all the US states that start with the letter "M". (ANYWHERE)
Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Missouri, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Minnesota, and Maine.
This ordinance, that is performed in the temple, is essential in order to receive the blessing of an eternal family.
Temple Marriage (Temple Sealing)
Where was Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum, killed?
Liberty Jail, Liberty, Missouri.
Who are the three witnesses?
Oliver Cowdry, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.
First team to do 5 jumping jacks (each).
This historic temple was the first temple started in Utah but was the fourth one finished. It took 40 years to build.
The Salt Lake Temple
On average, how many pages per day did Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery translate Each day?
About 12 pages per day.
This man hid a valuable artifact in the Hill Cumorah after receiving it from his father. As an angel, he guarded them for centuries. Who is this man?
Moroni (the angle)
On September 21, 1823, Joseph Smith knelt in prayer and received the first of this number of visits from the Angel Moroni that night.
There was a total of 3 visits in that one night.
The first person to take a selfie of their entire group. Then show Bayley or Truman to win the points.
This is the Church's tallest temple. It's east spire reaches 280 feet.
The Washington D.C. Temple
What verse is this?
"Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."
Doctrine and Covenants 6:36
Moroni invites us to read, ponder, and pray to ask God if the Book of Mormon is true in these verses.
Moroni 10:3-5
During the translation of the Book of Mormon, Martin Harris borrowed a portion to show members of his family. This number of pages was lost due to this occurrence.
What is 116?
Choose one member of your group to stand up and recite the Young Men theme. (Word for Word - One strike provided)
How many temples were announced in the most recent General Conference? Name three of the locations of these newly announced temples.
There were 17 temples announced in the most recent general conference; Juchitán de Zaragoza Mexico, Santa Ana El Salvador, Medellín Colombia, Santiago Dominican Republic, Puerto Montt Chile, Dublin Ireland, Milan Italy, Abuja Nigeria, Kampala Uganda, Maputo Mozambique, Coeur d’Alene Idaho, Queen Creek Arizona, El Paso Texas, Huntsville Alabama, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Summit New Jersey, and/or Price Utah.
How many total verses are in the Doctrine and Covenants? (Closest team wins)
The Jaridites (The Brother of Jared's people) were blessed by making it possible for them to survive a journey that lasted how many days. (Absolute Error is by 15 days off)
It took a total of 344 days.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was restored church was officially organized in a log farm belonging to Peter Whitmer, Sr. in Fayette, New York on this date.
On April 6, 1830
According to our most recent General Conference, there are this many full-time missionaries currently serving. (Whoever gets closest to the number wins)
67,049 Missionaries.