How many books are in the Bible?
What time do ECLC's worship services start on a regularly scheduled Sunday?
9am and 11am
What anniversary did ECLC recently celebrate?
What is Katie's last name?
What do we celebrate every year on the last Sunday in October?
Reformation Sunday
(300 bonus points if you can explain what the Reformation is)
What is clergy?
Pastors and Deacons
Name the four Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Who preached at ECLC this past Sunday?
Deacon Lauren
True or false: ECLC's welcome statement mentions Jesus
("We give witness to love and justice at God's welcome table and in the world")
What was the theme of last week's midweek worship service?
Forward in Faith
What color are the paraments for Ordinary Time?
What is the robe called that clergy wear?
What is the second book of the Old Testament?
What sacraments celebrated in worship?
Communion and Baptism
What street is ECLC on?
West 54th
What is the fancy name for communion bread and wine?
What day starts off the season of Lent?
Ash Wednesday
What kind of school trains clergy?
Seminary or Divinity School
What are the Gospels about?
They recount the ministry of Jesus from birth to death.
What is the music piece called that ECLC sings in midweek worship during Advent and Lent?
Holden Evening Prayer
Who has been on ECLC's staff the longest?
Paul Andress
Name the four basic parts of a worship service.
Gather, Word, Meal, Send
How many candles are on an Advent wreath?
What can pastors do that deacons can't?
Preside at communion or baptism
In what Gospel does an angel appear to Mary? (300 bonus points if you know what this conversation is called)
The Gospel of Luke (The Annunciation)
What is it called when a pastor/deacon is leading communion?
The Presiding Minister
What synod is ECLC a part of?
(500 bonus points: who is the Bishop of this synod?)
Minneapolis Area Synod
(Bishop Jen Nagel)
What was Dave's job before he retired? (be specific)
He was a hospital chaplain
(200 bonus points if you can name the hospital he worked at)
(100 bonus points for a surprise question)
What is the candle called that lives by the baptismal font?
The Christ Candle or the Paschal Candle
Who is this?
Presiding Bishop of the ELCA Elizabeth Eaton