Behaving like a CHW
Culture & Diversity
Skills and Knowledge
Across the Lifespan

This entity certifies CHWs in Ohio. 

What is the Ohio Board of Nursing?


This is a federal law that requires the protection and confidential handling of all health information.

What is HIPAA?


Opening up a conversation in a way that genuinely attempts to understand a person's identities related to race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, social needs, and others.

What is cultural humility?


This model emphasizes the social and physical environment drawing attention to the social determinants of health.

What is the Ecological Model of Health?


This is the nation's most successful public health nutrition program, with over 7 million women, infant, and children enrolled. 

What is WIC?


I can stop you from overdosing & send you directly into withdrawal

What is Narcan?


An illness lasting at least three months and usually slow in developing.

What is a chronic disease?


Giving your home phone number to clients or telling them to call any time or giving intimate information about yourself to clients are examples of this. 

Poor boundaries (or boundaries violation).


Conducting home visits, working with a client to write a care plan, advocating for client needs and priorities. 

What are the roles of a CHW?


A series of processes that some transgender people may undergo in order to live more fully as their true gender.

What is transitioning?


I am a part of your life that keeps you from being healthy & acts as a major obstacle. I am your neighborhood, I can be your race or sex, to name a few

What are social determinants of health?


A legal document (such as a living will) signed by a competent person to provide guidance for medical and health-care decisions (such as the termination of life support or organ donation) in the event the person becomes incompetent to make such decisions.

What is an Advance Directive?


Use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders.

What is medication assisted treatment or MAT?


This virus was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China that caused a world-wide pandemic.

What is the Covid-19 or SARS-Cov-2?


This is the number of hours you will need to complete in the field in order to qualify for certification by the Ohio Board of Nursing.

What is 130?


Obtaining informed consent to conduct the interview and initial services happens at this stage of working with a client.

What is the beginning of an interview?


The differences in the rates of illness, disability and death among different communities particularly differences that are preventable, unfair and unjust.

What is health inequities?


This theory provides a framework for how people may change their behavior. The model is widely used and describes behavior change as a process that usually involves many steps rather than a single event.

What is the Stages of Change Theory?


A scarcely perceptible and commonly rapid pulse that feels like a fine mobile string under a palpating finger.

What is a thready pulse?


This term refers to the practice of not using drugs or alcohol.

What is abstinence?


Over time, if this continues, it can result in damage and narrowing of the arteries, increasing the risk for stroke, heart attack, and death.

What is high blood pressure?


Outreach, informal counseling, and health educator. 

What are roles of a community health worker?


This code aims to standardize professional behavior and accountability, is about doing what is morally right.

What is Ethics?


This is one strategy to keep yourself safe on a home visit.



This is a communication practice to check in which the client repeats back or demonstrates what was discussed during their time with a CHW.

What is teach back?


This is a formal or informal relationship in which a grandchild is being raised by a grandparent.

What is kinship care?


From the film Heroin(e), name an Appalachian value or characteristic that had a positive impact on how those with opioid addiction.

Faith, community, tenacity, etc.


Nephrons are tiny filters in these organs.

What are kidneys?


The professional parameters within which a CHW performs their role and responsibilities. 

What is scope of practice?


This is when the client is in charge of their decisions.

What is client-centered practice?


In Ohio, this law does not include sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

What is the Hate Crime Law?


Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn are all responses to this.

What is trauma?


This is the second-leading cause of death (after motor vehicle crashes) for young people in the us, and the leading cause of death for African American young people.

What are guns?


Open ended questions, Affirmations, Reflective Listening and Summarizing are skills commonly referred to as this in Motivational Interviewing?

What is OARS?


This is when an individual has too much glucose in the blood

What is hyperglycemia?


Anything outside of one's self that provides a sense of calm, support, strength, and capability.

What are external resources?


This is abuse or aggression that occurs in romantic relationships.

What is intimate partner violence?


These are systematic differences in the health status of different population groups that have significant social and economic costs both to individuals and societies.

What are health inequities?


One stresses the prevention of disease, while the other deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of individuals.

What are public health and the medical model?


This is an aggressive form of caries in children under 6 years of age that was once called "nursing caries" or "baby bottle tooth decay."

What are Early Childhood Caries?


This affirms people who use drugs as the primary agent of change and seeks to empower people to share information and support each other in strategies that meet their actual conditions.

What is harm reduction?


You are working with a client who mentions she often feels light-headed and then passes out.

What is syncope?
