A strategy that is a series of true or false statements or agree/disagree statements. Meant to be completed prior to reading and then referred back to after reading to adjust misconceptions if necessary.
What is Anticipation Guide?
A form of assessment that is used on a regular basis that helps the teacher quickly evaluate student learning and adjust instruction as necessary.
What is Formative Assessment?
Quality versus quantity, which is more important?
What is Quality?
An effective comprehension program includes strategies that are used
What is before, during, and after reading?
The most powerful learning tool
What is Classroom Talk?
A strategy that uses a square divided into four smaller squares. Mainly used for vocabulary. The term is written in the middle of the square. The other squares may include the definition, examples, nonexamples, etc.
What is Frayer Model?
A form of assessment that is designed to evaluate achievement over long periods of time. A teacher may use this type of assessment at the end of a chapter or unit.
What is Summative Assessment?
One of the chief barriers to comprehension in the content areas is
What is technical vocabulary?
The purpose of before reading strategies
What is to activate prior knowledge, provide and overview of the selection, build background knowledge, or set goals?
An easy to apply discussion technique in which the teacher poses a question, the students ponder their thoughts, the students form pairs and discuss responses, and then the pairs share their thinking with the whole class.
What is Think-Pair-Share?
An graphic organizer that can be used before, during, or after reading. Before reading, the students indicate what they know about a topic and what they want to know. After reading, they discuss and write down what they learned about the topic from their reading.
What is a KWL Chart?
Tests are not meant to trick students. What are three qualities of appropriate assessments?
What is reliable, valid, and fair?
One part of an effective vocabulary program is
What is in-depth understanding, multiple exposure, active involvement, seeing relationships among words, and acquiring strategies to learn knew words?
The purpose of during reading strategies
What is seek out the main idea and supporting details, distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information, integrate information from the text with students' prior knowledge, or help students make inferences and judgments about their reading?
An informal form of writing that allows students to deepen their understanding of a topic. An example may be learning logs.
What is Writing-to-Learn?
A form of collaborative learning in which students learn to use four key reading strategies in order to achieve improved comprehension: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing.
What is Reciprocal Teaching?
A type of assessment in which students demonstrate their knowledge of a particular topic or skill.
What is Performance Assessment?
Tiny bits of information in the surrounding text that can be used to help students figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words. This bits of information can be in the form of appositives, restatements, or comparative/contrast statements.
What is Context Clues?
The purpose of after reading strategies
What is to help readers summarize and evaluate their understanding of the text. After reading strategies can also help extend students knowledge of the topic being studied?
This is a 3-tiered intervention approach to help struggling students. Tier 1 is whole group instruction. Tier 2 is small group instruction focused on specific interventions. Tier 3 is individual instruction for students who are still struggling.
What is RTI (Response to Intervention)?
A collaborative learning approach in which students divide up a task, become experts of their part, and then share what they have learned with the other members of their group.
What is Jigsaw?
The basic purpose of assessment...
What is to provide feedback so that instructional decisions can be made.
The three tiers of vocabulary words include...
What is Tier 1 (everyday, basic words such as baby), Tier 2 (more sophisticated words such as benevolent instead of good), and Tier 3 (content-specific words such as photosynthesis)?
Being aware of one's thinking. It is the foundation of comprehension instruction
What is Metacognition?
An effective classroom will include
What is cooperation versus competition, hands-on activities, highly motivating and effective teaching strategies, and routines and procedures?