S stands for Specific - What is a specific want/need you desire to do?
eg. I want to gain a skill to be able learn certain work, be here, and do this.
M stand for Measurable - What is a quantity you could measure your goal by?
eg. How much, or how many?
A stands for achievable - Name 1 thing you could do and 1 you could NOT do. (Based on your abilities)
eg. Learn about aviation VS Fly a Jet
R stands for relevant or realistic - What is an idea or goal that relates to you?
eg. Does time, money, family, work, resources help support this?
T stand for time bound - What is a time frame you would put on a goal?
eg. Do this in _____ years.
What instrument would you love to learn.
eg. Ukulele
What sport would you learn?
eg. pole vaulting, horse racing
What is a new food you want to try and cook?
Maybe not dino nuggets or boil some noodles...
Learn to be a plumber, electrician, or HVAC?
Or another blue collar type work
What would you learn if it only took 1 month?
Maybe Learn to sing
Where or what is a living situation goal you would want?
In a certain location or specific home (condo, house)
Would you rather have better handwriting or better vocabulary?
write pretty, or use pretty words?
What is a creative goal you would try?
eg. film, paint, sculpt
Name a social skill you want to be better at?
eg. active listening, speaking
What's a mental health goal you would try?
eg. therapy, journaling, spiritual, religious, self care
What is a line of work you would try?
eg. oil rig, Government, Actor
What is a fitness goal you would try?
eg. Gain 5lbs of muscle
If you were NOT afraid, what would you do?
eg. skydive, podcast
What is a goal you could do in 24hrs to help yourself in any way?
eg. self care, chore, fix something, pay for something
What is something you would try and bake?
Muffins are easy...
Would you rather - Do competitive rowing or sailing?
row row row your boat :D
What is a travel goal?
eg. Europe, Asia, Australia
What language do you want to learn?
eg. Italian, Russian, Spanish
What's a computer skill you would try?
eg. Hacking, excel
What is a business you would start?
eg. homemade products, services, bakery