Who created Stranger Things?
The Duffer Brothers
Who is the protagonist of The Hunger Games?
Katniss Everdeen
Did Abraham sacrifice his son, Isaac?
What is the name of the largest ocean in the world?
Pacific Ocean
Is there an IPhone 9?
What does Michael Scott eat for lunch on The Office that makes him fall asleep?
A whole chicken pot pie
In which town is the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee set?
Maycomb, Alabama
What was God’s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the Earth again?
What is the name of the largest country in the world?
How old was Queen Elizabeth when she passed away?
Which Game of Thrones star was nominated for an Emmy for every single season?
Peter Dinklage
In what year was the first Twilight book published?
What’s the last book of the Bible?
The Book of Revelation
What season does Australia experience in December?
Spring and Summer
What category is the Minecraft bed in?
Who leads Edith Cranwinkle’s quilting circle in Bob’s Burgers?
How many pages are in The Way of Kings?
1007 pages
How many books are there in the Bible? Name the number of books in both the Old and New Testament.
There are 66 books. Old: 39 New: 27
What is the average number of babies per woman in Bangladesh?
What is the 243th pokemon in the National Pokedex?
Step by Step takes place in Wisconsin, but their opening credits sequence was filmed where?
Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California
What was the first novel ever written?
The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu
How many generations were there from Abraham to the Messiah?
Where are the Spanish Steps located?
Rome, Italy
What value do you get when you simplify the expression e(i*pi)?