Arts, Music, and Entertainment
Social Justice

A global icon known as the 'King of Pop' that transcended cultural boundaries, opened doors for future generations of artists, and popularized music videos.

Who is Michael Jackson?


This leader spoke this famous speech in 1963 bringing over 250,000 people together in support of civil rights during the March on Washington.

What is Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream Speech"?


This Mexican holiday taking place on November 1st and 2nd honors the deceased with elaborate altars, flowers, and traditional food.

What is The Day of the Dead/Dia de los Muertos?


Japanese dish typically featuring raw fish, rice, seaweed, and various fillings often rolled or hand-pressed.

What is Sushi?


This country hosted the first recorded Olympic Games in 776 BC, in the city of Olympia.

What is Greece?


A Japanese animation style known for vibrant colors, exaggerated expressions, and fantastical storylines.

What is Anime?


This Indian leader's nonviolent resistance led to India's independence from British rule in 1947.

Who is Mahatma Gandhi?


In many Jewish cultures, this ceremony marks a boy's coming of age.

What is a Bar Mitzvah?


A light sponge cake soaked traditionally in three milks (sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, and cream or milk) often served with whipped cream frosting or a meringue topping.

What is Tres Leches?


Anti-Apartheid Leader who spent 27 years in prison before becoming the first Black President of South Africa serving from 1994-1999. 

Who is Nelson Mandela?


The author of "The Diary of a Young Girl" written during WWII documenting the experiences of hiding as a Jewish girl in Amsterdam used as a symbol of hope and resilience.

Who is Anne Frank?


This social group received insufficient reparations for forced relocation and encroachment on their land by the US Government with a total of $1.3 billion (1,000 per individual).

Who are the Native Americans?


A holiday in celebration of African Americans from December 26 to January 1 honoring ancestors and the heritage of West and Southeast Africa.

What is Kwanzaa?


Ethnic cuisine originating in the American South from the cuisines of enslaved Africans using techniques and ingredients from West and Central Africa and Western Europe (ex. collard greens, mac and cheese, black-eyed peas, etc).

What is Soul Food?


The first deaf-blind person to graduate from college, write a book, and "fly a plane."

Who is Helen Keller?


An African American cultural movement of the 1920s-1930s characterized by the exploration of music, increase in literary work, and the influx of cultural pride and self-expression in Harlem, New York.

What is the Harlem Renaissance?

A Pakistani activist and 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner known for her advocacy regarding the education of women and children when the Taliban banned girls from attending school. 

Who is Malala Yousafzai?


This 15-day long celebration originating in China honors the beginning of the spring season marked by parades, fireworks, traditional food, and family gatherings

What is the Chinese New Year?

A dish often served with rice, Naan, and a gravy-like sauce seasoned with spices originating in India.

What is Curry?


The First Woman to serve on the US Supreme Court appointed by President Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 2006.

Who is Sandra Day O'Connor?


A Latin American dance style originating from Cuba and Puerto Rico also known as a musical genre that is a fusion of African, Spanish, and indignous music styles from Cuba.

What is Salsa?


International decades-long campaign that used boycotts and protests to fight against institutionalized racial segregation in SOUTH AFRICA led primarily by Nelson Mandela.

What is the Anti-Apartheid Movement?


This vibrant festival, celebrated before Lent features colorful parades, masks, and music in cities like Rio, New Orleans, and Venice.

What is Carnival?


An Italian dessert made of ladyfingers dipped in coffe, layered with a whipped mixture of eggs, sugar, and mascarpone, and flavored with cocoa meaning 'cheer me up' in Italian.

What is Tiramisu?


The first free Black republic in the World and the first independent state in the Caribbean.

What is Haiti?
