"Wow, what a $#*t-magnet!"
Who is Roman Green?
A Coach Beasley classic, this is colloquially referred to as the "Trucker Workout".
What is 10x400s?
The name of a sleeveless and team-themed racing shirt.
What is a singlet/jersey?
Coach makes the drive in from this town every morning.
What is Sealy?
Nolan Drake never managed to break this benchmark time in the 1600.
What is 5 minutes?
"We should make La Centerra High School, it would be like O-Block."
Who is Luciano Alpino?
The name for this workout: 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 1200, 800, 400.
What is the Arkansas Ladder?
Worn over your uniform to keep you warm.
What are sweats?
Coach made us frickin' go to this frickin' place the night before Lake Travis 2025. (Abdul Ghaji's fault btw)
What the frick is Chili's?
Nolan's middle name.
What is Carter?
"I don't really like black theme music." (In reference to rap)
Who is Julian Niera?
Coach schedules this lineup for cusp-of-varsity distance runners, calling this double a workout at JV meets.
What are the 3200m and 1600m runs?
These are the type of uniform bottoms we use, and popular on workout days.
What are split shorts?
Coach spent the night before 2024 XC State searching for this finger-food delicacy.
What is popcorn?
Nolan's nickname, and a derivation of something he referred to himself as. It was also the name of his and Tomas' Beasley Bowl team.
What is Big Bog?
"I actually haven't drank water since the summer."
Who is Tyler Luce?
The name of this workout: 3200 @ 5k pace, then 10x400s. But... one 400 gets removed for every guy who breaks 11:00 in the 3200.
What is the Incentive Workout?
These racing shoes are named for the pieces on the bottom of the shoe that add traction.
What are spikes?
Coach Michael Ty Thompson attended and ran for this university.
What is the University of Texas at Arlington?
Nolan Drake and Tomas Tellez abandoned running to pursue leadership roles in this FIRST Robotics team chapter.
What is CRyptonite 624?
"I mess with Blakely."
Who is Sam Garanzuay?
"Not quite my tempo." This initially was fast, then just repetitive 200m handoff workout was used to earn spots for the 2024 4x800.
What is the Whiplash Workout?
This article of clothing bottoms recently became pretty normal for workouts, but not everyone is a fan of the fit of these.
What are half-tights?
Coach Beasley has a limited edition, partially gold, action figure of this American professional runner.
Who is Michael Johnson?
Nolan's team won the Beasley Bowl. Despite his claim to MVP, he only threw this many TD's.
What is 2?