Silent Era
The Golden Age of Hollywood
The First Celebrities
The Big Five
Directors I

This trailblazer wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred in, and composed the music for the majority of his films. He was an international star well into the era of sound, although that didn't stop the US Government from revoking his visa after he expressed communist sympathies.

Who is Charlie Chaplin?


The greatest love story according to AFI, it tells the tale of an American expatriate forced to choose between his former lover or helping her and her husband escape from the Nazis.

What is Casablanca?


Ranked by AFI as the greatest male star of American Cinema, his role as Sam Spade the became model character in film noir and began a 10+ year collaboration with John Huston, which earned him an Oscar for The African Queen in 1951. 

Who is Humphrey Bogart?


The oldest continuing studio of the original Big Five, it's the only studio currently located in Hollywood and was the center of the antitrust case that broke the studio system.

What is Paramount Pictures?


The original "auteur," his venture into film is considered to be the greatest film ever made, as he wrote, produced, directed, and starred in it. Too bad William Randolph Hearst didn't like it. 

Who is Orson Welles?


D.W. Griffith pioneered techniques for decades to come, but his movie from 1915 is the most polarizing film to date because of its negative portrayal of African-Americans and glorification of the KKK.

What is The Birth of a Nation?


AFI ranked Clark Gable's line from this movie as the greatest quote of all time, but it almost never happened because the final word was "offensive"

What is Gone with the Wind?


Ranked by AFI as the greatest female star of American Cinema, she won an Oscar for Morning Glory in 1934, only to be in a string of commercial failures until she masterminded her own comeback by buying out her contract and selling the rights to The Philadelphia Story on the condition that she star and have veto power in all decisions. It netted her an Oscar nomination.

Who is Katharine Hepburn?


The second oldest continuing studio of the original Big Five, it differentiated themselves from other studios with their state of the art animation studio.

What is Warner Bros.?


The only director to have two films in the Top 10 of AFI's Top 100 Movies list, but that's all to his name. He never reached those heights after.

Who is Victor Fleming?


"The Great Stone Face" was arguably second to Chaplin in fame during the Silent Era, but his champions say he was the best comic actor of all time.

Who is Buster Keaton?


This film received critical success on its release but failed to make a profit and faded into relative obscurity until its television broadcast on CBS in 1956 turned into the most watched movie in the world.

What is the Wizard of Oz?


Ranked by AFI as the second greatest male star of American Cinema, he distanced himself from run of the mill actors with his transatlantic accent, suave demeanor, and his ability to not take himself too seriously.

Who is Cary Grant?


A former giant, they were formed in 1924 after entertainment entrepreneur Marcus Loew needed somebody to oversee his assets in Hollywood.

What is MGM?


Some say he is the American Dream personified, as he grew up poor as an Italian immigrant and became the creative force behind It Happened One Night, You Can't Take It With You, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and It's a Wonderful Life. He even had his own signature "touch." 

Who is Frank Capra?


Contrary to popular belief, it was not Hollywood that would birth the important films of the Silent Era. It was this country's signature Expressionism style that gave us Nosferatu, Metropolis, and M. 

What is Germany?


Groucho, Harpo, Chico, and Zeppo's 1933 outing evolved from a minor flop to a classic, with its famous mirror scene hailed as the funniest scene of all time.

What is Duck Soup?


Ranked by AFI as the second greatest female star of American Cinema, she was the first actor to earn 10 Oscar nominations, the the first female president of the Academy, and had her Oscar statues for Dangerous and Jezebel bought by Steven Spielberg and returned to the Academy.

Who is Bette Davis?


A late bloomer of sorts, they were created in 1935 with  the merger of two studios and by World War II were the third most profitable studio. 

What is 20th Century Fox?


The man who popularized the Western genre and novel adaptation with Stagecoach, The Grapes of Wrath, and How Green Was My Valley, and birthing the reputation of the intense and eccentric director.

Who is John Ford?


We remember the Silent Era for the comedies, but don't forget about the dramas, whose best is European transplant F.W. Murnau's Hollywood debut.

What is Sunrise?


Max Steiner's score and Murray Spivak's sound design from this monster flick paved the way for music and special effects to enhance the story.

What is King Kong?


Ranked by AFI as the greatest hero of all time, he embodied his hero role offstage as he was awarded the  Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1969, even ending up on Richard Nixon's enemies list in 1972.

Who is Gregory Peck?


The first of the original Big Five to go out of business, Howard Hughes bought them in 1948 and proceeded to run them into the ground. Historian Betty Lasky called this a "systematic seven year rape."

What is RKO Pictures?


He was the original director for Gone with the Wind before being fired, he made up for that lost opportunity by directing The Philadelphia Story, Adam's Rib, A Star Is Born, and My Fair Lady.

Who is George Cukor?
