Week 12
Week 13
Week 15
Week 16
What does genre create?
An interpretive framework for a group of films which derives from pre-existing audience expectations.
Shah Rakh Khan
"King of Romance" appeared in 55 films since 1992. Producer, tv host, sports team owner.
A shared set of beliefs Creates cohesion in a community Often unspoken and unanalyzed Often used to mask real conditions Propagated through media
Varieties of Digital Cinema
Digital Fantasy (Avatar): Give the feeling that impossible is real Digital History (Pearl Harbor): visual invention Digital Now (You Kill Me): Not supposed to know it was digitally enhanced Digital Person (Social Network) Endless Take (Russian Ark): Bigger memory allowed it to be taken in one shot In each case technology enables a new kind of visual image and creates new cultural assumptions about the image
Classical Hollywood Cinema as a National Cinema
Narrative form: Clarity, unity, goal-oriented characters, closure American Values: Articulation: individualism, particapatory democracy, orderly hierarchy, capitalism, heterodox. romance Repetition: Genre
What is syntax? What is Semantics?
The order in which the words appear and the meaning they have. The culturally loaded icons used in specific types of motives (words within the sentence)
Bollywood (Reception and Assumptions)
Vast network: national audience, diasporic Indian audiences, non-Indian audiences. Involved with cultural mythologies. Assumption of escapism to address and contain concerns about things Visible response to westernization
National Cinema
Assumes a text can be read, understands nationalism as a useful way of organizing A dream of community (feeling of unity) Concerns: creates false consensus around the national, exports this false consensus as normal/desirable
Death of Film Argument
Radical change in film's medium specificity Collapse of certainty in the photographed End of culturally segregated spaces for consuming film Fusing of film into other visual media
Concerns with the International Art Cinema
Continues to value "national" as a category case study (Italian Neorealism) A victim of its success Ideologies of art and international reinforce class distinctions of high art/low art
What is Film Noir? Culturally responsible artifact?
Film built around crime in urban settings, critical of things Ex: Of mass Media taking critical view on society Fictional tale might not refer to a social context in large terms, there are allegories that are very precise and address on an exact monument.
Significant Genres in Bollywood
Love story, Gangster, Woman's film, fictions of the past, and Masala Masala: mixture of music, dance, drama, and comedy (non-continuous narrative style
International Cinema
Sees nationhood as significant but not dominant in the lives of ordinary citizens, understands that social and personal experiences cross national boundaries, appreciate universal ideas of film Themes can apply to all nations but still to 1 nations style Concerns: Auteur driven, often takes srs ideo. and social positions
What is Digital Cinema: Digital technologies have transformed film's relationship to reality--all film is or can be an animation The Golden Age of Movie Critics: Film criticism is now truly democratic b/c of digital technologies Pirates on the iPod: New technologies have cheapened our significant cultural relationship to movies
Types of Transnational Cinema
First Cinema: Hollywood Cinema Second Cinema: International Art Cinema Third Cinema: Anti-national/anti-nationalistic cinema Fourth Cinema: Indigenous filmmaking Ex: A woman, a gun, and a Noodle Shop
Genre Auterism
John Ford: Things he wants to say about society shown in Westerns. "John Fords America": Monument valley Utah. Quinten Tarentio: action films that are funny yet gory
Aamir Khan
Family ties/child actor, owns production company, roles are designed for him, he is also a director. Historical epic roles:RBD, Logaan, Mangal Pandley
Interrogates ideas of nationhood Sees modern citizenship as increasingly transnational Everything about the movies call apply to all cultures Transnationalism ignores national boundaries America doesn't promote America as it was but as it should be Interrogates the concept of national: implicitly and explicitly Begins to leave behind nationality and nationalism as a category
Varieties of Digital
Impersonation: not-readily apparent duplication of real spaces, things Augmentation: Readily apparent additions to real spaces, things, people Invention: readily apparent brand-new spaces, places
Self styled critic: Concerned with art and experiences of feelings Suspicious of format changes which are economically driven Movie theater=temple Home equipment will never equal theater experience
Sci-Fi Film (what are the conventions and ideas and an example)
Conventions: Protagonist as fulcrum between humanity and technology Ideas: Social vision of technology, hubris of rational thought, threat from within, threat from without Ex: District 9, conventions: protagonist invasion, iconography: futuristic landscape, historical allegory: legacy of apartheid
Rang De Basanti
Recognizably Bollywood, reflects both market forces and contemporary social realities. Extensive knowledge about Indian freedom movements. Meets basic and evolving genre expectations. Bollywood is national (production mostly in India), but also international (locations, Univ. q, vast audience)
Ideological Distinctions
Ideologies of nationalism, expressed in cinema. Create a feeling of national community. International cinema assumes community across countries Transnational cinema interrogates the idea of community Caveat: The same film can be understood as a national, international, or transnational film
Effects of Digitalization
New delivery techniques change the experience of filmgoing through time shifting textual manipulation Possible shift form passive viewer to active viewer Complete reappraisal of film history, from lost to found from old to new
Drama of Digital Sensibility
Depicts a world in which reality has quotes around it and perception is conditional Technology has produced total convince and endless options