
A symbolic technique in which stylized characters and situations represent rather obvious ideas, such as justice, death, religion, and society.

What is Allegory?


Those individuals who serve as go-betweens in the film industry, who arrange to book the product in theaters.

Who is Distributor?


Extra shots of a scene that can be used to bridge transitions in case the planned footage fails to edit as planned.  Usually long shots that preserve the overall continuity of a scene.

What is Coverage?


An original model or type after which similar things are patterned.  Archetypes can be well-known story patterns, universal experiences, or personality types.   Myths, fairy tales, genres, and cultural heroes are generally archetypal, as are the basic cycles of life and nature

What is Archetype?


The box-office appeal of the physical mounting of a film, such as sets, costumes, props, etc.

What is Production values?


A cut to a shot of a characterʻs reaction to the contents of the preceding shot.

What is Reaction shot?


The arrangement of visual weights and movements within a given space.  In the live theater, the space is usually defined by the proscenium arch; in movies, it is defined by the frame that encloses the images.  Cinematic mise en scene encompasses both the staging of the action and the way that it's photographed.

What is Mise en scene?


The narrative appeal of a movie, which can reside in the popularity of an adapted property, the high craftsmanship of a script, or both.

What is Story values?


The kind of logic implied between edited shots, their principle of coherence.  Cutting to continuity emphasizes smooth transitions between shots, in which time and space are unobtrusively condensed.

What is Continuity?


A style of performance derived from the Russian stage director Stanislavsky, which has been the dominant acting style in America since the 1950s. It emphasizes psychological intensity, extensive rehearsals to explore a character, emotional believability rather than technical mastery, and the “living” a role internally rather than merely imitating the external behavior of a character

What is Method acting?


A filmmaker who finances his or her projects independently, to all maximum creative freedom

Who is Producer-director?


The blurring of focal planes in sequence, forcing the viewerʻs eyes to travel with those areas of an image that remain in sharp focus.

What is Rack focusing?


The movements of the actors within a given playing area

What is Blocking?


Shots or pieces of shots that are not used in the final cut of a film.  Leftover footage.

What are Outtakes?


An animation technique involving the photographing of live actors frame by frame.  When the sequence is projected at the standard speed of 24fps, the actors move abruptly and jerkily, like cartoon figures

What is Pixillation?
