What's the English for "Bonjour" (le matin)?
Good morning
What's the English for "Comment t'appelles-tu?"
What's your name?
What's the English for "heureux"?
What's the French for "read"?
What's the English of "des chaussures"?
What's the English for "Je ne sais pas"?
I don't know
What's the English for "Comment vas-tu?"
What's the English for "Je suis triste"?
I am sad
What's the English for "écrire"?
What's the French for "people"?
What's the English for "Je ne comprends pas"?
I don't understand
What's the English for "Quel âge as-tu?"
What's the French for "grumpy"?
What's the English for "Surligner" et "souligner"?
highlight + underline
What's the French for "a place"?
What's the English for "Pouvez-vous fermer la porte?"
Can you close the door?
What's the English for "As-tu un cahier"?
Do you have a copybook / Have you got a copybook?
What's the English for "Mon frère est timide"?
My brother is shy
What's the English for "Ecoute-moi"?
Listen to me
What's the English for "des enfants"?
Kids / children
What's the English for "Pouvez-vous allumer la lumière?"
Can you turn on the lights?
What's the English for "Pouvez-vous répéter"?
What's the English for "Mon chat est fatigué"?
My cat is tired
What's the English for "Retourne-toi"?
Turn around
What's the English for "avoir besoin de"?