What is Circe's conditions to letting Telegonus go?
Two days delay, and three things within them
Nope :(
What type of Creature is Trygon?
Mystical Singray
Telegonus's? or Lack of?
Who is the visitor that shows up on her Island? And what is Circe's reaction?
Hermes, she is not very please (at all) she is mad he is trying to manipulate her son now
Which family member does Circe tell Telegonus to be most wary about? Why?
Telemachus because he is the one with the most to lose from him
What was the “price” she had to pay?
Circe has to experience the poison herself
Circe & Telegonus
Circe & Hermes
Hermes & Telegonus
Telegonus & Odyessus
Odyessus & Circe
Why was circe feeling like guilt after cutting the tail off of Trygon?
She feels bad that she must, "spend the rest of my days watching this creature bleed"
How does Telegonus (in this chapter) effect Circe? What does he make her do, that she may have not in the past?
Circe continues to go out of her way for Telegonus, she lies about Odyessus, she breaks her exile, ect.
When did Circe first discover Trygon? Who was she with?
She found him when she was young in the waters with Aeëtes
The island, the sea, the herbs, the weather...
Describe Circe's internal conflict in this chapter. What is she struggling with, and how does this conflict shape her actions?
She is conflicted with letting Telegonus learn about his father, thus causing her to lie about him. Yet later in the chapter he lets go, and lets him go to find Odysseus.
Why is Telegonus drawn to Hermes?
Because he is understanding, Telegonus is searching for guidance, a connection to his father’s world, and Hermes's charisma and outsider status
Why does Circe want the Trygon's tail?
To use as protection for Telegonus' weapon
Becoming a mother
Breaking exile
Telegonus growing up
What does Circe learn about herself and her own desires in Chapter 20?
She is not just capable of letting go of her son, Telegonus, but also desires to see the world beyond her isolated island
How is Telegonus similar and different from each of his parents (characteristically)?
Circe: emotional, magical, and introspective qualities Odysseus: strength, cleverness, and adventurous spirit
How did Trygon communicate with Circe?
She heard his thoughts in her head they were not just speaking
Telegonus or Circe