The Diameter of this circle is 5. Find radius
What is 2.5
The radius is 5. Find area
What is 78.5
The diameter is 10. find circumference
What is 31.4
I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?
The length across a circle, also double the radius
What is the Diameter
The Radius is 12. Find diameter
What is 24
The radius is 2.5. Find area
What is 19.625
The diameter is 13. Find circumference
What is 40.82
What can’t talk but will reply when spoken to?
an echo
The distance around the outside of the circle.
What is circumference?
The diameter of this circle is 27. Find radius
What is 13.5
The diameter is 15.7. Find area
What is 193.49
The radius is 25. Find circumference
What is 157
What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
A piano
The total amount of space inside of a circle
What is the area?
The Radius of this circle is 37. Find diameter.
What is 74
The circumference of this circle is 18.84. Find area
What is 28.26
The radius is 45. Find circumference
What is 282.6
What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
3.14 or 22/7
What is pi?
The circumference is 25.12. Find the diameter.
What is 8?
Which show a proportional relationship:
a. diameter to circumference
b. diameter to area
c. both
What is a. diameter to circumference
The area is 452.16
What is 75.36
What has words, but never speaks?
a book