Applied Force
Change in Force

When a ball is thrown into the air, which force causes the ball to fall back to the Earth? 

Ⓐ Gravity pulls the ball back to the Earth.

Ⓑ Friction pulls the ball back to the Earth. 

Ⓒ Magnetic force pushes the ball back to the Earth. Ⓓ Atmospheric pressure pushes the ball back to the Earth.

What is Gravity pulls the ball back to the Earth. 


An object is hung from the ceiling. When a force is applied to the object, it moves. If a larger force is applied to the object, how will the motion of the object change? 

Ⓐ The object will move less distance with less speed. Ⓑ The object will move less distance with more speed. 

Ⓒ The object will move more distance with less speed. 

Ⓓ The object will move more distance with more speed.

What is Ⓓ The object will move more distance with more speed.


Multiple forces, such as gravity and friction, act on a soccer ball when it rolls across a field. Which statement best describes how friction affects the motion of the soccer ball? 

Ⓐ Friction causes the ball to bounce. 

Ⓑ Friction causes the ball to increase in speed. 

Ⓒ Friction causes the ball to decrease in speed. 

Ⓓ Friction causes the ball to roll forward then backward

What is Ⓒ Friction causes the ball to decrease in speed.


Kala wants to make a simple circuit with a battery, a lightbulb, and a switch. She connects the lightbulb to the switch with one wire, and to the positive terminal of the battery with another wire. To have the lightbulb turn on, Kala must do one last step before closing the switch. Which step must she do? 

Ⓐ Add a wire from the switch's unused electrical contact to its second electrical contact. 

Ⓑ Add a wire from the switch's unused electrical contact to the positive terminal of the battery. 

Ⓒ Add a wire from the switch's unused electrical contact to the negative terminal of the battery.

Ⓓ Add a wire from the switch's unused electrical contact to the electrical contact of the lightbulb it does not yet touch.

What is Ⓒ Add a wire from the switch's unused electrical contact to the negative terminal of the battery. 


A force acts on objects and causes them to move. Which of the following is NOT an example of force causing motion? 

A A spinning propeller on a plane 

B Turning the pedals of a bike 

C Hammering a nail into wood 

D A lamp sitting on a desk

What is D A lamp sitting on a desk


Which picture best shows an animal overcoming the force of gravity? 

Ⓐ Turtle Crawling

Ⓑ Dog Jumping 

Ⓒ Deer Eating grass

Ⓓ Emperor Penguin family standing together

What is Ⓑ Dog Jumping


A heavy suitcase is on the floor in a bus station. The following forces are acting on the suitcase: 

• A force of 2 newtons (N) pushing it to the right. 

• A force of 5 newtons (N) pushing it to the left. 

• The force of gravity pulling it down toward the floor. 

• The force of the floor pushing up on it. 

Which statement best identifies the result of all the forces acting on the suitcase? 

Ⓐ The suitcase moves to the left.

Ⓑ The suitcase moves downward. 

Ⓒ The suitcase moves to the right. 

Ⓓ The suitcase does not move at all.

What is Ⓐ The suitcase moves to the left. 


Which type of force resists motion? 

Ⓐ friction

Ⓑ gravity 

Ⓒ pull 

Ⓓ push

What is Ⓐ friction 


A simple electric circuit includes a cube made of an unknown material. The light bulb glows brightly when the circuit is completed. What material is the cube most likely made of? 

Ⓐ glass 

Ⓑ rubber 

Ⓒ steel

Ⓓ wood

What is Ⓒ steel 


A small car and an 18 wheeler truck travel at the same speed on a road in the same direction as shown in the image below. Both vehicles slow down with the same stopping force. Which statement best explains why the truck needs more distance than the car to stop? 

Ⓐ The truck has more mass.

Ⓑ The truck has larger wheels. 

Ⓒ The truck has a longer length. 

Ⓓ The truck has a larger engine.

What is Ⓐ The truck has more mass. 


Two magnets have the south end facing each other.   What will happen when the magnets are moved closer together? 

Ⓐ Magnetic force will push the magnets apart.

Ⓑ Magnetic force will pull the magnets together. 

Ⓒ Gravitational force will push the magnets apart. 

Ⓓ Gravitational force will pull the magnets together.

What is Ⓐ Magnetic force will push the magnets apart. 


A group of people are participating in a tug-of-war with a rope. There are 4 people on the right side and 2 people on the left side.  Each individual person pulls the rope with a force of 10 newtons (N). Which statement describes what will most likely happen when all of the people pull on the rope at the same time? 

Ⓐ The forces are balanced, so neither side will move. 

Ⓑ The forces are unbalanced, the side with four people will move forward. 

Ⓒ The forces are unbalanced, the side with two people will move backward. 

Ⓓ The forces are unbalanced, the side with four people will move backward.

What is Ⓓ The forces are unbalanced, the side with four people will move backward.


Kyle pushed a heavily loaded cart along a carpeted floor quickly. Which word could be used to describe how the wheels would most likely feel once Kyle stops the cart? 

Ⓐ cold 

Ⓑ rough 

Ⓒ warm

Ⓓ wet

What is Ⓒ warm 


Clay, cloth, and stone are poor conductors of electricity. Which other material is also a poor conductor of electricity? 

Ⓐ copper 

Ⓑ glass

Ⓒ gold 

Ⓓ steel

What is Ⓑ glass 


When mom was driving home with a load of groceries in the trunk, she had to come to a quick stop. She stepped on the brake pedal and the groceries slid forward in the trunk. Which object most likely slid the shortest distance? 

Ⓐ loaf of bread

Ⓑ gallon of milk 

Ⓒ box of cereal 

Ⓓ carton of eggs

What is Ⓐ loaf of bread 


Laura can use a toy car to demonstrate the force of gravity by doing which of these? 

A Letting the toy car roll down a ramp 

B Placing the toy car on the floor 

C Lifting the toy car onto a shelf 

D Pushing the toy car across a table

What is A Letting the toy car roll down a ramp


A book is at rest on a table. Which statement best explains the forces acting upon the book? 

Ⓐ The forces are equal and acting in the same direction. 

Ⓑ The forces are equal and acting in opposite directions.

Ⓒ The forces are unequal and acting in the same direction. 

Ⓓ The forces are unequal and acting in opposite directions.

What is Ⓑ The forces are equal and acting in opposite directions. 


Zach and Sydney are getting ready to play air hockey.  The air blowing upward through small holes in the table. Zach wonders what role the air plays in the game. Which statement best explains what role the air plays? 

Ⓐ Air reduces the mass of the puck, letting it travel farther. 

Ⓑ Air pulls the puck downward, keeping it from flying off the table. 

Ⓒ Air balances the forces on all sides of the puck, causing it to move faster. 

Ⓓ Air reduces friction between the puck and the table, allowing it to slide across the table easier.

What is Ⓓ Air reduces friction between the puck and the table, allowing it to slide across the table easier.


Electricity can flow only when which of the following is present? 

Ⓐ A switch attaches to a battery. 

Ⓑ The circuit has a lightbulb. 

Ⓒ There is a complete path for it to follow.

Ⓓ The wire is made from an insulator.

What is Ⓒ There is a complete path for it to follow. 


Students were asked to write a response as to how energy is used when driving a car. Their responses are written below. 

Student 1: Energy is used to stop a car. 

Student 2: Energy is used to turn a car. 

Student 3: Energy is used to cause a car to go faster. Student 4: Energy is used to allow a car to move in a straight line. Which student’s response is least likely indicating a change in motion? 

Ⓐ Student 1 

Ⓑ Student 2 

Ⓒ Student 3 

Ⓓ Student 4

What is Ⓓ Student 4


A book that slides off a desk will fall to the floor. What is it that moves the book and all other objects, downward? 

A Friction with other objects 

B Air pressure pushing from above 

C The force of gravity

D Earth's magnetic fields

What is C The force of gravity 


A girl pushed a bookcase along a wall and moved it 1 foot in 10 seconds. She then asked a friend to help her move the bookcase. How does the combined force change the motion of the bookcase? 

Ⓐ The combined force will change the direction of the motion of the bookcase. 

Ⓑ The combined force will create more friction and stop the motion of the bookcase. 

Ⓒ The combined force will make the bookcase move the same distance, but more slowly. 

Ⓓ The combined force will make the bookcase move the same distance, but more quickly.

What is Ⓓ The combined force will make the bookcase move the same distance, but more quickly.


Sadie rolls a marble down a ramp. When the marble reaches the bottom of the ramp, it then rolls across the floor. After a few seconds, the marble slows down, then stops. What caused the marble to stop? A Friction between the marble and the floor

B Air pressure pushing down on the marble 

C The force of gravity pulling the marble down

D Magnetic attraction between Earth and the marble

What is A Friction between the marble and the floor 


Jake is creating a project with an electric circuit. For part of the project, Jake needs an insulator. A good insulator would NOT be made of which of the following? 

Ⓐ  Plastic

Ⓑ  Rubber

Ⓒ Copper

Ⓓ Glass

What is Ⓒ Copper


Students are experimenting with a toy car on a smooth, wooden ramp. They apply force to the back of the car to push it down the ramp. The students measure how fast the car rolls down the ramp. If the students want to increase the speed of the car down the ramp, what should they do? 

Ⓐ decrease the angle of the ramp 

Ⓑ decrease the height of the ramp 

Ⓒ increase the force applied to the car

Ⓓ increase the friction between the car and the ramp

What is Ⓒ increase the force applied to the car 
