Circular Motion
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
Motion in Space
Torque and Simple Machines
Fun Science!
A. Is the correct answer- Centripetal Acceleration! Fun Fact! Your brain is 80% water.
What is effected by a change in direction? A. Centripetal Acceleration B. Force C. Sound D. Speed
D.Is the correct answer- Free Fall Fun Fact! Dr.Jonas Salk, the man who came up with the cure for polio, didn’t patent the drug. This made the drug more affordable to the general public, and he lost out an an estimated $7 billion dollars for himself.
Orbiting objects are always in what? A. Constant Acceleration B. Constant Velocity C. Gravity D. Free fall
A. The correct answer is- Each planet travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun, and the sun is at one of the focal points. Fun Fact! If you blowtorch Pepto-Bismol, you would get a hunk of metal.
Which best describes Kepler's First law? A. Each planet travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun, and the sun is at one of the focal points. B. Each planet travels in an elliptical orbit around the earth, and the earth is at one of the focal points C. Each planet travels in an elliptical orbit around the Venus, and the Venus is at one of the focal points. D. Each planet travels in an elliptical orbit around the Mars, and the Mars is at one of the focal points. Double Jeopardy! 200 Points!
A. The correct answer is- Yes Fun Fact! One ragweed plant can release as many as one billion grains of pollen!
Can rotational and transnational motion be separated? A. Yes B. No
A. Is the correct answer- 5.97 x 10^24 Fun Fact! Research indicates that plants grow healthier when they are stroked.
What is the mass of the earth? A. 5.97 x 10^24 B. 6.38 x 10^6 C. 7.35 x 10^22 D. 6.42 x 10^23
C. Is the correct answer- Distance Fun Fact! Sound travels about 4 times faster in water than in air.
What does Tangential Speed depend on? A. Acceleration B. Velocity C. Distance D. How fast an object is going
Free- Fall Acceleration Fun Fact! Rafflesia Arnoldii is the largest flower in the world and can grow as big as an umbrella.
What is Gravitational field strength equal to?
D. The correct answer is- An imaginary line drawn from the sun to any planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals. Fun Fact! Pure water (H2O) does not conduct electricity on its own.
Which best describes Kepler's Second Law? A. An imaginary circle is drawn from the earth to any other planet that sweeps equal areas in equal time intervals B. An imaginary line is drawn from any planet to any other plant and this sweeps in all equal areas in equal time intervals C. A triangular sphere is made to make a line between the sun and earth and this then sweeps clockwise to other planets making equal time intervals. D. An imaginary line drawn from the sun to any planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals.
AC. The correct answer is- Force and Lever Arm Fun Fact! No matter how cold it gets, gasoline will not freeze.
What does torque depend on? A. Force B. Crane C. Lever Arm D. AC
D. The correct answer is - 6.38 x 10^6 Fun Fact! Out of all the senses, smell is most closely linked to memory.
What is the mean (radius) of the earth? A. 1.50 x 10^11 B. 7.35 x 10^22 C. 6.42 x 10^23 D. 6.38 x 10^6
C. The correct answer- Centripetal Force= mass x (tangential speed)^2 (Squared) _____________________ radius of the circular path Fun Fact! Scientists aren't sure what color dinosaurs were.
What is the formula for Centripetal Force? A. Force= mass x acceleration B. Force x time interval= change in momentum C. mass x (tangential speed)^2 (Squared) _____________________ radius of the circular path D. Momentum= mass x velocity
C. Is the correct answer- Both are Yes, Yes Fun Fact! Blue eyes are a genetic mutation. Before the mutation occurred, all humans had brown eyes.
Is gravity consider a field force and does weight change with location? A. No, No B. Yes, No C. Yes,Yes D. No.No
D. Is the correct answer- Astronauts in orbit experience apparent weightlessness Fun Fact! Daizi Zheng, a Chinese designer, made a Coca-Cola powered cell phone. She designed a battery that uses enzymes to generate electricity from the carbs
Astronauts in orbit experience what in space? (Body Wise) A. Floating B. Motion C. Free Fall D. Weightlessness
C. The answer is- Force x Lever Arm Fun Fact! Neanderthal man had a brain capacity 100cc larger than modern man's.
What is the formula for Torque? A. Torque= Force x speed B. Torque- Speed x Force x Velocity C. Torque- Force x Lever Arm D. Torque- Lever Arm x Mass x Speed x Velocity
A. The correct answer is- Yes Fun Fact! Most liquid laundry detergents are alive with living organisms that help to break down stains!
Lifting a truck up from the ground directly requires more force then pushing it up a ramp, but is the same amount of work done in both cases? A. Yes B. No
A. The correct answer- 0.84g (g= gravity, r= radius, h= height) Correct Formula Setup! g'/g = [r/(r+h)]^2 (Squared) g/10 = [6400 / 6980]^2(Squared) 409,600,000 = 48,720,400 x g' g' = 8.4 m/s^2 (Squared)= 0.84g Fun Fact! 0.3% of solar energy from the Sahara is enough to power the whole of Europe.
You are a physics teacher explaining to your student's about space. You are explaining why astronauts feel weightless while orbiting in the international space station. Your students respond in several ways. They state that gravity is a lot weaker in space, that there is no gravity in space, and that it's the earth gravity effecting the station. Convince them that it isn't so by calculating the acceleration of gravity 580 km above the Earth's surface in terms of g. A. 0.84 B. 1.34 C. 2.22 D. 0.57 Double Jeopardy! Worth 800 Points!
The correct answer is- Tides are partly due to the gravitational force exerted on earth by it's moon. The tides result from the difference between the gravitational force at Earth's surface and at Earth's center. Fun Fact! Optical illusions occur when what the eyes see conflicts with what the brain expects.
How does the moon effect earth's ocean tides? Explain, A close written answer will yield you points.
B. The correct answer is- The square of a planet's orbital period (T^2) (Squared) is proportional to the cube of the average distance (r^3)-(Cubed) between the planet and the sun, or T^2-(Squared)- (infinite) r^3(Cubed) Fun Fact! Diamonds can be shattered with a hammer.
Which best describes Kepler's Third Law? A.An imaginary square is drawn to the sun and is proportional to earth and the sun's average distance between the earth and sun. B.The square of a planet's orbital period (T^2) (Squared) is proportional to the cube of the average distance (r^3)-(Cubed) between the planet and the sun, or T^2-(Squared)- (infinite) r^3(Cubed) C. The triangle of a planet's orbital period (T^2) is equal to the cube of any average distance between any planet and the sun D. Each planet travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun, and the sun is one of the focal points.
The correct answer is- Level&Fulcrum, Inclined Plane, Wheel&Axle, Wedge, Pulleys, Screw Fun Fact! Each day, up to 150 species of life become extinct.
Name the six types of simple machines Explain, write all six correctly to obtain points.
A. The answer is- Force, Center, Circular Fun Fact! Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin!
When a ball is whirled in a circle, it is acted by on by a ________ directed toward the _______ of the ball _______ path. Fill in the blanks. A. Force, Center, Circular B. Speed, Middle, Straight C. Mass, Back, Circular D. Velocity, Mass, Straight
The correct answer- 19.7 m/s (Use the formula) mass x (tangential speed)^2 (Squared) _____________________ radius of the circular path Fun Fact! Oak trees produce 2,200 acorns in a season, but each acorn only has a 1 in 10,000 chance of becoming an oak tree.
A test car moves at a constant speed around a circular track. If the car is 48.2 m from the track's center and has a centripetal acceleration of 8.05m/s^2 (Stands for Squared), what is the car's tangential speed?
It is because gravitational field strength equals free- fall acceleration, free- fall acceleration on the surface of earth likewise depends only on earth's mass and radius. Fun Fact! Hot water can freeze faster than cold water.
Why does Gravitational Mass equal Inertial Mass? Explain, a close written answer will yield you points.
In this case, a star or a astronaut would not be pulled into an orbit but would instead drift in a straight line at a constant speed. Fun Fact! One third of the electricity produced on earth is used to power electric light bulbs!
As far as people known; Actual weightlessness occurs only in deep space, far from stars and planets. Gravitational force is never entirely absent, but it can become negligible at distances far enough away from any masses. In this case what would happen to a star or astronaut if they were floating in space? Explain, a close written answer will yield points
Efficiency = Work out ____________ Work in Efficiency is how well your machine does work! Mechanical Advantage= Output Force ____________ Input Force Mechanical Advantage is how well much of it advantage your machine has! Fun Fact! Nearly 50% of the world's scientists are assigned to military projects.
What do these Two formulas mean and what do they do? Explain, in detail what these two formulas do and what they are. Eff= Wout ______________ Win MA= Fout din ______ =_______ Fin dout
C. The answer is- Orrery Fun Fact! Iron weighs more after it rusts.
What is the elaborate planetary model that shows the motions of Mercury, Venus, and Earth around the sun. The model also shows the moon's inclined orbit around Earth. A. Ptolemaic B. Rutherford C. Orrery D. Planetarium