Circular Motion
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
Motion in Space
Torque and Simple Machines 1
Torque and Simple Machines 2
What provides the centripetal force for the following situations: 1. The moon orbiting around the Earth 2. A ball being whirled on a string 3. A car driving rapidly in a circle in a cement parking lot.
1. Gravitational force 2. Tension 3. Friction
The force that keeps planets in orbit and pulls objects towards the ground.
What is gravitational force?
Kepler's First Law states.
What is each planet travels in an elliptical orbit with the sun as a focal point?
The ability of a force to rotate an object around an axis.
What is torque?
An external force applied to an object. The ratio of useful energy output to the total energy input, or the percentage of the work input that is converted to work output.
What is Efficiency
This force keeps an object moving in a circular path.
What is centripetal force?
Explain what happens to the gravitational force between two objects when they move closer together.
The gravitational force increases.
Kepler's Second Law states.
What is a planet sweeps an equal area in equal time intervals?
The distance from the force to the axis of rotation.
What is lever arm?
A force that produces or tends to produce rotation or torsion.
What is Torque
The main difference between tangential and centripetal acceleration.
What is tangential acceleration is due to a change in speed, centripetal acceleration is due to a change in direction?
How does the tangential speed differ for a merry go round with one horse on the outside of the ride and one horse halfway between the outside and the axis of rotation?
The horse that is further away from the axis of rotation will have a faster tangential speed.
Kepler's Third Law states.
What is T^2 is proportional to r^3.
Torque is ____ when clockwise and ______ when counterclockwise.
What is - and +?
Which force produces the largest torque? a) 20.0 N perpendicular to the center of rotation at a radius of 0.5 m b) 20.0 N perpendicular to the center of the rotation at a radius of 1.0 m c) 10.0 N perpendicular to the center of rotation at a radius of 0.25 m
What is b) 20.0 N perpendicular to the center of the rotation at a radius of 1.0 m
Find the centripetal acceleration given: vt= 9.0m/s r= 1.0m
What is 81m?
What is the gravitational force given: m1= 150kg, m2= 120kg, r= 1,600,000m
What is 4.7x10^(-19)?
Weight and weightlessness are caused by this.
What is gravity?
List the six simple machines:
What is a lever, pulley, screw, wheel & axle, inclined plane, & wedge
This is the torque needed to keep the wheel from turning if the bike chain wheel has a radius of 7.70 cm and the chain exerts a 35.0N force on the wheel.
What is 2.7 Nm?
What is the centripetal force given: m= 20.1kg vt= 3.07m/s r= 4.56m
What is 41.5N?
The gravitational constant is.
What is 6.673x10^(-11)?
What is the period given: r1= 350m m= 250kg
What is 3.2x10^8s?
What is the actual mechanical advantage for the problem: A first class lever in static equilibrium has a 50lb resistance force and 15 lb effort force. The lever's effort force is also located 4ft from the fulcrum.
3.33 lb
This is the Greek letter that represents torque.
What is tau?