__________________________: mass per unit volume of a material
__________________:Cycle pattern of movement caused by density difference
convection cell
_______________:Transfers of energy by waves of light from sun
__________________:transfers of energy when particles touch each other directly
_________________:Energy of motion
Kinetic Energy
________________: The movement of matter due to differences in density; The transfer of energy due to the movement of matter
_____________: the curving of the path of a moving object from an otherwise straight path due to earths rotation
Coriolis Effect
______________________:a movement of ocean water that follows a regular pattern.
ocean current
______________: The horizontal movement of water in a regular pattern at the oceans surface.
surface current
_________________: The change in direction of currents as they meet continents.
continental deflection
__________________: the curving of the path of a moving object from an otherwise straight path due to Earths rotation.
Coriolis Effect
__________________: The movement of water in regular patterns below the surface of the ocean.
deep ocean currents
______________:The movement of matter due to differences in density;the transfer of energy from movement to matter.
Geo-sphere (mostly the solid rocky part of Earth).
Bio-sphere (living things and the areas of Earth where they are found).
Atmosphere (the layer of air surrounding the Earth).
Hydrosphere (All of Earths water)
Earth's 4 subsystems
___________: the change of state from a solid directly to a gas.
____________:the process by which plants release water vapor into the air through a leaf or stem.
____________:the change of state from liquid to gas that usually occurs at the surface of a liquid over a wide range of temperatures.
_____________:the change of state from gas to liquid.
_____________:any form of water that falls to earths surface from the clouds.
______________:the change of state from gas directly to solid
_____________________: precipitation that flows over the land and into streams and rivers.
_________________________: the continuous movement of water between the atmosphere, the land, oceans and living things.
water cycle