What type of muscle is your heart made of?
What type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart?
Double Jeopardy
Which type of blood cell carries oxygen?_______
Which type of blood figjhts infection?__________
red blood cells
white blood cells
A blood cell with A antigens would be what type of blood?
Type A
Blood comes from the ________ and enters the ________ atrium.
body, right
Which arteries suppies blood to the myocardial cells
Double Jeopardy
coronary arteries
Where does blood enter the heart after traveling through the vena cava?
right atrium
What is the normal range for white blood cells?
Normal WBC count = 5,000 to 10,000 cells per mm3 (p.11)
A red blood cell with B antigens would be Type ___ blood. A red blood cell with A and B antigens would be Type __ blood.
Blood then passes through a ________, goes into the right ____________, and then goes to the _________.
valve, ventricle, lungs
Where is the thickest part of the heart muscle located?
left ventricle
What type of blood vessel connects arteries to veins?
Which vitamin and mineral are necessary for RBC formation?
Double Jeopardy
Vitamin B12 and iron
What blood type is a univeral recipient?
Double jeopardy
AB positive
Which major vessel returns lymph to the blood?
Double Jeopardy
Thoracic duct
What is a stationary clot lodged in a vessel called?
What is the pacemaker of the heart called?
sinoatrial node
Red blood cells contain a chemical called ______________ that carries ___________ to your cells and carries ___________ ___________ away from your cells.
hemoglobin, oxygen, carbon dioxide
Fill in the blanks:
If you mix Type A blood with Type B blood, the _____ blood cells will ________ together, which could form ________ in the blood vessels, and the person could ______.
red, clump, clots, die
Describe the flow of blood leaving the heart:(5 parts)
The thick muscular layer of heart is called?
Where is the bicuspid valve located?
Double jeopardy
between the left atrium and the left ventricle
Fill in the blanks:
New blood cells are produced in _________ ____________. The part of blood that is mostly water is called __________. ______________ help clot blood and stop bleeding.
bone marrow, plasma, platelets
If a person has type AB+ blood, which antigens are found on that person's red blood cells?
type A antigen
type B antigen
RHfactor antigen
Blood delivers _________ and __________ to the body cells and takes ___________ ____________ and __________ away from your cells. Then it comes from the _________ and back to the right ___________.
food, oxygen, carbon dioxide, wastes, body, atrium