What Are The Four Types Of Blood?
Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, Plasma
What are the four chambers in the heart
Left Right Ventricle and Left and Right Atrium.
What Connects Veins And Arteries?
What Is Your Heart Rate?
Your heart rate is how fast or slow your heart beats.
What Moves Blood out of the heart
What Components Make Up Blood?
What Causes The Heart To Beat?
What Does A Vein Do?
A vein moves blood back to the heart.
What Is Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is the amount of force your blood uses to get through body.
What Moves your blood into your heart
What Are Red Blood Cells?
Red blood cells are tiny cells that look red because they contain a protein called hemoglobin, which grabs oxygen from your lungs and delivers it to the rest of then body.
What Is The Double Loop System?
The double loop system is the way blood travels through the heart.
What Diffrence Is Between Veins, And Arteries?
Arteries exit blood from the heart and veins carry blood to the heart.
What Makes Your Heart Rate Increase?
Your heart rate increases by doing hard activities like running.
What Waste Product Does Deoxygenated Blood Exchange For More Oxygen?
It exchanges for Carbon Dioxide.
What Are White Blood Cells?
White Blood Cells are the body’s defense team, fighting off germs and infections by identifying and destroying them.
How many Chambers are in the heart
True of false WHite blood cells can travel through veins
What Produces Heart Rate?
The SNS and the PNS
How Does Oxygen Move Through the Capillary Walls?
It moves through diffusion.
What do platelets do
Platelets are small cell fragments that clump together to form a clot when you get a cut, preventing too much blood from leaking out.
How many valves are in the human heart
Do veins carry deoxygenated blood or oxygenated blood
What Creates Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is created by the force witch ventricles of the heart contract.
What Happends To All The Oxygen In Blood When It Leaves The Heart?
It gets taken to all the cells that need it.