Blood 🩸
The Heart 🩺
Veins, Arteries, More🫀
Blood Pressure 📈
Oxygen and Nutrient Movement 🫁

How Many Components Does Blood Have?

Blood Has 4 Components They Are Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, and Plasma


How Does The Heart Work?

The heart is the pump that moves blood through the body. It contracts its chambers to push blood out of them through the body. The chambers relax to refill with blood.


What Are The Functions Of Veins And Arteries?

Veins and arteries both serve as the tubes blood flows through in the body. Veins carry blood towards the heart, and arteries carry blood away from the heart.


What Is Blood Pressure?

Blood Pressure is the force that your blood has to go back to your heart. It is important because this is the only way blood goes to your body’s cells and tissues.


What does the Nose do?

It Moistens The Air You Breathe.


What Makes Blood Red?

Hemoglobin (Hb)


How Many Chambers Does The Heart Have?

The Heart Has 4 Chambers 


What Are Arteries?

Arteries are vessels that carry oxygenated blood to your body


What Are Some Side Effects Of Having High Blood Pressure?

If your blood pressure is high, you have a chance of getting Dementia, Hemorrhagic Stroke (Bleeding in the brain), Kidney Failure, Ischemic stroke  (a clot in the neck that can travel to the brain and block an artery), etc.


What Is Bronchi?

It Is The Two Passages That Directs Air Into The Lungs.


What Is Hemoglobin's Main Function?

Transporting Oxygen From The Lungs To The Rest Of The Body Tissues


What Are The Names Of The Chambers In The Heart?

Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Left Atrium, and Left Ventricle


What Are Veins?

Veins carry back deoxygenated blood to the heart.


What Are Some Side Effects Of Having Low Blood Pressure?

If your blood pressure is low, that typically is good, but there are some side effects like dizziness and fainting.


What Are The Tiny Thin-Walled Sacs Of Lung Tissue Where Gases Can Move Between Air And Blood?

This is called the Alveoli


What Is The Liquid Part Of Blood Called?



Why Is There A Double Loop System In The Body?

The first loop is from the heart to the lungs. Here the blood picks up the oxygen that it needs to circulate through the body. The blood also drops off carbon dioxide. The blood is pumped back to the heart and then through the body to drop off oxygen and pick up carbon dioxide. The first loop goes through the lungs. The second loop is to the rest of the body.


Describe Veins And Arteries

Arteries are vessels that can carry oxygenated blood to the body and Veins have thinner walls compared to Arteries and carry Deoxygenated blood "back" to the heart.


What Is A Healthy Blood Pressure Rate?

Usually, a healthy blood pressure range is under 120 mm Hg.


How Does Gas Exchange Happen?

After air enters the alveoli, oxygen passes through the capillary walls into the blood. At the same time, carbon dioxide and water pass from the blood into the alveoli. This continual exchange maintains the correct concentrations of gases within the blood.


Describe What Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, and Plasma Are?

Plasma is the watery substance that the blood cells float around in. Platelets are small cell elements that float around in the blood and cause your blood to clot when you get a wound, clauting is beneficial to prevent small wounds from bleeding excessively. White blood cells are part of your body's immune system and help break down and destroy unwanted things in the body. Red blood cells carry resources around the body.


What Is The Path Of Blood?

Blood flows from the Right Atrium to the Right Ventricle to Pulmonary Arteries to the Lungs for gas exchange to the Left Atrium to the Left Ventricle to the Aorta to Body Tissues to the Veins to the Right Atrium and Repeats


Why Are Arteries Are Thicker Than Veins?

Arteries are closer to the heart, so the blood pressure by them is higher. The veins have a much lower blood pressure because of their distance from the heart. The arteries need thick walls so that they can withstand the increased blood pressure caused by nearness to the heart.


What are three different systems that the circulatory system works with and what do they do to help?

Respiratory System: It provides Oxygen to the blood and removes Carbon Dioxide.
Digestive System: Breaks down food to nutrients that the blood takes.
Excretory System: Filters waste products from the body


How Does Air Get Into The Lungs And To Your Blood?

When you inhale, your rib muscles and diaphragm contract. The chest moves upward and outward as it expands. The air pressure within the lungs lowers, so air moves in. When you exhale, the opposite happens. The muscles relax and the chest lowers. The pressure within the lungs is increased, so air is forced out. Gases move between the alveoli and the blood. After air enters the alveoli, oxygen passes through the capillary walls into the blood.
