what are the 4 main components of blood?
what does the heart do?
it pumps blood for the rest of your body
why are veins arteries and capillaries important?
Because they send blood to different areas of the body.
what does low blood pressure mean?
It means you aren't getting enough blood throughout your body
True or false... nutrients and oxygen are primarily transported throughout the body.
white blood cells help fight off________
what happens to the oxygen in the blood when it leaves the heart
it exchanges oxygen for carbon dioxide
what do coronary arteries and coronary veins do?
they deliver blood to capillaries
why is high blood pressure bad?
because it can damage your arteries
blood carries vital components to cells through a series of ______
blood vessels
what are red blood cells made in?
your heart includes Atriums, Ventricles, and ________
what is the difference between arteries and veins?
arteries carry blood away from the heart, veins carry blood to the heart.
what happens when an artery is blocked
oxygen is absorbed in the _______
In the lungs, what waste product does deoxygenated blood exchange for more oxygen?
carbon dioxide
what are valves?
they are flaps that are there when blood is coming into different areas before leaving each major part of the heart.
what do veins do?
they take blood to the heart.
what happens when a heart valve is damaged?
a blood clot
does the small or large intestine absorb nutreints?
small intestine
why are platelets important?
because they stop clots from forming
why are valves important?
because they prevent the blood from going backward.
what do arteries do?
they take blood away from the heart and transport it to different parts of the body.
what is the double loop system?
living things use oxygen and return it to the air and water as _______
carbon dioxide