What are the cells functions in the human blood?
The cells transport gasses.
When does the heart pump?
What color are the veins and arteries?
Veins are blue and arteries are red.
Why is blood pressure important?
It helps the blood properly flow throughout the body.
What carries the nutrients to the different parts of the body?
The blood.
What are the platelets functions in the human blood?
The platelets help with blood clots.
What is the main part of the circulatory system?
The heart.
Which way do the veins and arteries take blood?
Veins take blood to the heart and arteries take blood away from the heart.
What is the range of a normal heart pressure?
Between 80 and 120.
What does the nutrients go to in the body?
The cells.
What are the plasmas function in the human blood?
The plasma contains lipids and other liquids.
Where does the blood go when pumped?
The blood goes to the heart, to the lungs, back to the heart, and to the body.
What do the capillaries do?
They connect the veins and arteries.
Why is high blood pressure dangerous?
It can damage arteries and ruin the condition of them.
What are the functions of platelets?
They help with blood clots.
What are the 4 components of blood?
Nutrients, Hormones, Proteins, and Oxygen.
How big is the heart?
Fist sized.
Why are the ventricles and the artery walls thick?
They pump blood out of the heart.
Why is low blood pressure dangerous?
It won't get the oxygen and nutrients to the places that need it.
What are the plasma?
It is the liquid part of the blood.
A constant pH, temperature, and osmotic pressure are all important factors of maintaining
How does the heart pump?
It contracts and relaxes over and over.
Why are the atria and vein walls thinner than the ventricle and artery walls?
They don't have as high of pressure from the blood.
What creates blood pressure?
The force with which ventricle of the heart contract.
What are the functions of the cells?
They transport the gasses.