What animal has big ears and sprays water from their trunk?
An Elephant
What circus act involves tossing and catching items over and over again?
This food might be an elephants favorite snack at the circus.
Everyone must purchase one of these to see the show.
A ticket
TRUE OR FALSE: Many circus' do not have animals in their act anymore.
These animals are one of the most dangerous ones at the circus.
The Big Cats (Lions & Tigers)
Some people might find them creepy or are downright scared of them, but these jolly circus performers are meant to make you laugh.
These circus snacks are corn kernels that are popped and eaten with butter or salt.
What is another word for a Merry-Go-Round?
TRUE OR FALSE: The word "jumbo" (meaning large) comes from the circus.
TRUE. The word comes from Jumbo, an 11-foot-tall elephant that was in the PT Barnum circus.
What silly sea animal like to put balls on their nose?
A Seal
This circus act is sometimes referred to as "rope walking" or "rope dancing".
These deliciously fried treat is typically topped with powdered sugar and its shape is created by "funneling" dough into a hot oil.
Funnel Cake
A one wheel bike is called?
A Unicycle
What Disney movie takes place at the circus?
This animal swings around and does little tricks.
A Monkey / Circus Monkey
These circus acts perform stunts that require gymnastic, dancing and tumbling skills...even sometimes while high in the air.
A fluffy, sweet confection whipped from spun sugar and gathered or wound around a stick or cone-shaped paper core.
Cotton Candy
What is a form of gymnastics that involves rolling?
This “bouncing table” was invented after George Nissen, a swimmer and gymnast, saw how circus performers bounced into safety nets.
These galloping animals are commonly used by acrobats to do tricks with/on.
No circus act is complete without this "master". They are in charge of hyping the crowd all while circling the ring.
The Ringmaster
A crisp biscuit baked in the form of a knot or stick and flavored with salt.
These traditional large tents are known as what?
Big Top
According to circus superstition, it’s unlucky to wear this color in the ring.
Green. It was seen as unlucky after a popular acrobat performer fell while wearing the color green.