Annoying Ways People Use Sources
For MLA, this is what should be included in an in-text parenthetical citation.
What is the author's/authors' last name(s) and the page number(s)? (Smith 43) (Smith and Jones 52-57)
For APA, this is what should be included in an in-text parenthetical citation.
What is the author's/authors' last name(s), the publication year, and page number(s)? (Smith, 2012, p. 6) (West and Jones, 2016, p. 34-36)
Identify this annoying way people use sources, and provide the fix: Conservatives, meanwhile, have criticized the books and movies for promoting a liberal political agenda. “By dubbing someone so respected, so talented and so kind, as someone who just happens to be also homosexual, she’s reinforcing the idea that a person’s gayness is not something of which they should be ashamed” (Associated Press 2007). The revelation of Dumbledore's homosexuality is only one such example of this supposed political agenda.
ID: Armadillo Roadkill; dropping in a quotation without introducing it first. Fix: Introduce and contextualize the quote. Conservatives, meanwhile, have criticized the books and movies for promoting a liberal political agenda. The revelation of Dumbledore's homosexuality resulted in statements such as: “By dubbing someone so respected, so talented and so kind, as someone who just happens to be also homosexual, she’s reinforcing the idea that a person’s gayness is not something of which they should be ashamed” (Associated Press 2007).
This is how your reference list/works cited page should be organized.
What is alphabetically by the citations' first word?
The other common citation format, generally used by History majors.
What is Chicago Manual of Style?
This is what you should title the collection of citations at the end of your paper.
What is Works Cited?
This is what you should title the collection of citations at the end of your paper.
What is References?
Identify this annoying way people use sources, and provide the fix: The books "have sold more than 450 million copies worldwide," making it "the best-selling book series in history," and making their author "the first ever billionaire author" (New York Times 2007). In the United States, "nine thousand FedEx trucks were used to deliver the initial release of The Goblet of Fire alone" (New York Times 2007). The last four books were the fastest-selling books in history, with the final book "selling roughly eleven million copies in the United States within 24 hours of its release" (New York Times 2007).
ID: Uncle Barry and his Encyclopedia of Useless Information; using too many quotations in a row. Fix: Consider whether or not you need this specific quote. If you are simply using it for factual information, try paraphrasing instead.
As Smith explains, "This is the accepted American format" (Smith 3).
What is a direct quote?
***DOUBLE JEOPARDY*** Give the full title and author of each of the lens source articles we've read for class: dramaturgical sociology code choice ideological performance witnessing trauma
"Acting Presidential: The Dramaturgy of Bush Versus Kerry" by Robert Brown; "The Linguistic Landscape: mobile signs, code choice, symbolic meaning and territoriality in the discourse of protest" by Luanga Kasanga; "The Dramaturgy of Politics" by Richard Merelman; "The Power of Witnessing" by Nancy Goodman
This is the proper MLA format for a journal article citation.
What is: Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, Pages. URL if digital.
This is the proper APA format for a journal article citation.
What is: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. DOI or Retrieved from URL
Identify this annoying way people use sources, and provide the fix: The influence of the tremendously popular Harry Potter series has been compared to that of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a book that was widely credited with “galvanize public opinion against slavery” (Strange 2002: 263; see also Time 2007).
ID: Am I in the Right Movie?; failing to integrate a quotation into the grammar of the preceding sentence. Fix: Edit either the grammar of the sentence or the quote so that they match. The influence of the tremendously popular Harry Potter series has been compared to that of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a book that was widely credited with “galvaniz[ing] public opinion against slavery” (Strange 2002: 263; see also Time 2007).
If you want to use the beginning of a quote and the end of a quote, this goes in the middle.
What is ... an ellipses?
This is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the Internet.
What is a DOI (Digital Object Identifier)?
This is the proper MLA format for a book.
What is Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date.
This is the proper APA format for a book.
What is Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.
Identify this annoying way people use sources, and provide the fix: Text: In Harry’s world, “werewolves were subject to discrimination as if they had AIDS” (The Washington Post 2007). Reference List: Gerson, M. (2007, October 26). “Harry Potter’s Secret." The Washington Post. Accessed June 15, 2016 at article/2007/10/25/AR2007102502233.html.
ID: I Can’t Find the Stupid Link; no connection between the first letter of a parenthetical citation and the first letter of a works cited entry. Fix: Correct the in-text citation so the first word matches the first word of the reference list citation. (Gerson 2007). Gerson, M. (2007, October 26). “Harry Potter’s Secret." The Washington Post. Accessed June 15, 2016 at article/2007/10/25/AR2007102502233.html.
Begin on a new line. Omit quotation marks. Indent all lines one inch from the margin. Maintain double spacing. Place citation after closing punctuation. When quoting verse, maintain original line breaks.
What is the correct formatting for a block quote?
These are the only acceptable formats for submitting your paper drafts.
What are .doc and .docx?
This is the proper MLA format for a news article.
What is Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Periodical, Day Month Year, pages. URL if digital. Accessed on Date.
This is the proper APA format for a news article.
What is Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from
Name the two remaining ways annoying people use sources, and how to fix them.
Two ways: 1) Dating Spider-Man; starting or ending a paragraph with a quotation and 2) I Swear I Did Some Research; dropping in a citation without making it clear what information came from that source. The fixes: 1) Essentially the same as Armadillo Roadkill; readers like being told "how to read an upcoming quotation, reading it, and ... one way to interpret it. Prepare, quote, analyze." and 2) Write the sentences preceding the citation with specific words and phrases that will tell readers what information came from where.
When citing a personal interview, the major difference between MLA and APA is this.
What is MLA requires an entry in your works cited page, while APA only requires an in-text citation. MLA: Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014. APA: (J. Smith, personal communication, May 19, 2014).
Professor Koenig is a member of this Hogwarts House.
What is Hufflepuff?