MLA Style
APA Style
Chicago Style
The South and Supplemental Texts

These two pieces of information make up an MLA parenthetical citation.

What is the author's last name and the page number?


Parenthetical citations in APA should prioritize which type of information? 

What is the year? 


If you cite one source more than once, you should use this abbreviation from the second footnote forward.

What is Ibid.,? 

When you use a comma between clauses, the clauses which do not use a conjunction.

What is a comma splice? 


Jesmyn Ward consistently writes fiction set in this fictional town

What is Bois Sauvage, Mississippi? 


I am always missing from the end of a quoted sentence in MLA because I go AFTER the parenthetical citation (unless the quote questions or exclaims something...). 

What is punctuation? (Does not apply to question marks or exclamation points). 


How are titles typically capitalized in APA format citations?

What is: the first letter of the title is capitalized (titles also do not use italics or quote marks)?


This page will not be included in your paper since you are using Chicago footnote style

What is a bibliography/works cited/reference page? 


When the subject is removed from the primary place in the sentence

What is passive voice? (When you remove the subject from the primary place in the sentence)

Daniel Wallace, author of the personal archival history "Child Bride," also wrote this major southern novel that was adapted to film in 2003?

What is Big Fish?


If a quote is over four lines, you should create what kind of quote? 

What is a block quote? 


In any citation style, you typically abbreviate having more than two authors this way...

What is: Smith et al.


What information usually goes at the very end of footnote? 

What is: the page number of the quote/information you're citing? 

You use this punctuation mark to join two related simple sentences

What is a semi colon?


The Louvin Brothers recorded this bop in 1959

What is "Satan is Real"?


These ~3 fields/disciplines/educational areas primarily use MLA format.

What are high school and college English classes, literary studies, different disciplines of the humanities?


These ~2 fields/disciplines/educational areas primarily use APA format.

What are medical fields (nursing, dental, kinesiology, and other medical fields, especially at introductory levels) and the social sciences (like sociology, political science, public policy, or child and family studies)? 


These ~3 fields/disciplines/educational areas primarily use Chicago format.

What are disciplines of the humanities (such as philosophy, especially at introductory levels), history classes at the college level, and industry and business fields such as Marketing? 


When you want to combine one complete simple sentence and one incomplete clause, you might use this punctuation mark

What is an em dash?


After Reconstruction, a group of writers at Vanderbilt University got together to philosophize about the New South. They wrote a collection of essays called I'll Take My Stand. Largely in response to H.L. Mencken's "The Sahara of the Bozart," what philosophy did these guys invent? 

What is Agrarianism? 


How do you know whether or not a title goes in italics or quotation marks? 

What is the source's length? 


Which of the following is correctly cited in APA format?

a. Gu, Qing and Brooks, Jane. (2008). Beyond the accusation of plagiarism. System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics vol. 36 (3), 337-352. 

b. Gu, Q., & Brooks, J. (2008). Beyond the accusation of plagiarism. System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics 36(3), 337-352.

c. Gu, Qing., Brooks, J. (2008). "Beyond the accusation of plagiarism." System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 36(3), pages 337-352.

What is option b?


Where do you typically put your name in a Chicago style paper?  

What is a title page? (...though Chicago papers often use MLA headings)


This is the best way to tell whether you use "who" or "whom"

What is replacing the missing pronoun with "him" (whom) or "he" (who)? 


The Confederate flag we see used today was actually the flag of which groups (and never the actual confederacy)? 

What is the battle flag of Northern Virginia and Southern Tennessee? 