What is a sentence that states the topic and purpose of your paper, providing your reader with a roadmap of your argument?
Thesis Statement
True or False: You should always use first person when citing evidence
What does the A stand for?
Answer the prompt with a claim
What do we call it when a writer adds more details to explain the argument they have already stated?
What is an opening statement that grabs the reader's attention?
After you provide a quote, and before your internal/parenthetical citation what punctuation mark should be used?
a comma
What does the C stand for?
Cite evidence from the text.
What is the last sentence in an ACES paragraph that the reader will read?
A summary sentence
What is the first sentence in a body/ACES paragraph?
True or False: this is what an internal/parenthetical citation looks like
As stated in the text, "For a long time it was just me, my mom and dad, and my goldfish, Ollie," (Draper 61).
What does the E stand for?
Expand/Elaborate on your thinking. Explain how your evidence supports your claim.
True or False: Elaboration is your opinion.
Elaboration explains the facts and evidence like a detective solving a case. It doesn’t include your opinion because that’s guessing, not proving. Stick to the clues!
What do you use to support your claim BEFORE elaborating on your argument?
True or False: this is what an in text citation looks like
The book said, "JB and Josh are twins who love playing basketball!" (Kwame, 15)
The book cannot talk.
No punctuation
What does the S stand for?
Summarize your argument
True or False: The conclusion paragraph begins by restating the thesis
"Unlike", "Along with", "Especially", "Furthermore", and "In Addition" are examples of what?
Transition words
"The author stated" is an example of what?
A transition for evidence
How many sentences should you E section be?
Your E section should be at least two sentences long.
In summary, In brief, In short, and Overall are all examples of what?
Conclusion paragraph transition words