Becoming a Citizen
Being a Citizen
Response. v. Duty
Civil Rights
Bad Movie Desc.

The oath one must take in order to become a U.S citizen.

What is the Oath of Allegiance? 


Our elections have a winner take all system. What system is this known as?

What is (First-Past-The-Post or Electoral System)?


Voting in a national election.

What is a Civic Responsibility


A type of law that promotes segregation and restricted voting rights.

What are Jim Crow laws.


A group consisting of an old man on steroids, A trust fund baby, a high school kid, a surgeon, and many more team up to kill a man who's passion is collecting rocks.

What is The Avengers: Infinity Way?


The score do you need to reach to pass the Citizenship test.

What is 60%.


This act allows the government to take any land they want as long as they pay a fair amount to the previous owner.

What is eminent domain?


Registering for the draft.

What is a Civic Duty?


The Court Case that established that segregation was constitutional.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


A corporation that makes its money from breaking into children's rooms at night. They eventually find a more  "peaceful" solution to their problems, but they still have to break into children's rooms to make money...

What is Monster's Inc.?


Type of voter apathy that comes from people not believing that their vote will matter and it is pointless to vote.

What is alienation?


These types of elections have higher turnout than other elections.

What are (general elections or presidential elections)?


Serving on a jury.

What is a Civic Duty.


Three different ways to practice civil disobedience protests.

What is (Sit-ins, Boycotts, Petitions, Hunger Strikes, Social Media Activism, Marches)?


A father is attacked in a home invasion where his son becomes disabled from the attack. Years later, his son is abducted and taken on a boat across the ocean. The father works to find his son again.

What is finding nemo?


Citizens that were become citizen. (Not born U.S Citizens).

What are Naturalized citizens?


Speech that promotes violence against the government, inciting people to rebel. (This is not allowed by the U.S government)

What is sedition?


Volunteering in your local community.

What is a Civic Responsibility?


A law the specifically restricted the voting rights of African American citizens.

What is (poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses)?


A young man meets a old religious hermit who takes him away from his home, converts him to his religion, and leads him to join a terrorist organization. At the end of the movie he kills minions of people after attacking a military base.

What is Star Wars: A New Hope?


A citizen that is not born in U.S soil but eventually becomes a U.S citizen.

What is a Naturalized Citizen?


The only type of citizen who is not allowed to vote in ALL 50 states.

Who is under 18 years old?


Obeying laws.

What is a Civic Duty


This Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law to all citizens.

What is the 14th amendment?


A minority group is being kicked out of their homeland and forcibly arrested by the government. A large group of them flee to the property of a secluded hermit who is angry they are on his land. He then makes a deal with the government to get them off his land.

What is Shrek?
