how many US senators are there and who do they represent
100 - all the people from their state
What stops one branch from becoming too powerful
Checks and Balances
What does the Constitution do?
sets up the government, defines the government, protects basic rights of Americans
How old do you have to be to vote
BONUS: What amendment made this
26th amendment
Name the US War between the North and the South
Bonus: What year was it?
Civil War
President and Vice President
Trump, JD Vance
How long is a representative term?
2 years
Who makes federal laws?
Legislative Branch - US House and Senate
What is the economic system of the United States
Capitalist / Market
Who do we show loyalty to when we do the pledge of allegiance?
the United States Flag
Freed the slaves
Name your senators
John Boozeman
how long is a senator's term?
6 years
When is election day?
First Tuesday in November
What did the Declaration of Independence do?
Name one responsibility only for US Citizens
Serve on a Jury
Vote in federal elections
Who did the US Fight in WW2? (list 3)
Japan, Germany, Italy
Bonus: Arkansas' other 3
Steve Womack
Rick Crawford, French Hill, Bruce Westerman
How many members of the House of Representatives are there and who do they represent
435 - all the people in their district
Donald Trump - President
What are the rights or freedoms listed in the First Amendment? (list all 5)
▪ speech ▪ religion ▪ assembly ▪ press ▪ petition the government
What is selective service, and who does it affect?
all men 18 and older must register for the draft
Who was president during the Great Depression and WW2
your governor
Sarah H Sanders
Who is the speaker of the house
Mike Johnson
What does the president's Cabinet do, and list 2 positions
advise the president
▪ Secretary of Agriculture ▪ Secretary of Commerce ▪ Secretary of Defense ▪ Secretary of Education ▪ Secretary of Energy ▪ Secretary of Health and Human Services ▪ Secretary of Homeland Security ▪ Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ▪ Secretary of the Interior ▪ Secretary of Labor ▪ Secretary of State ▪ Secretary of Transportation ▪ Secretary of the Treasury ▪ Secretary of Veterans Affairs ▪ Attorney General ▪ Vice President
What is the rule of law?
Everyone must follow the law. ▪ Leaders must obey the law. ▪ The government must obey the law. ▪ No one is above the law
Last day to file your taxes
April 15
List 2 native american tribes
▪ Cherokee ▪ Navajo ▪ Sioux ▪ Chippewa ▪ Choctaw ▪ Pueblo ▪ Apache ▪ Iroquois ▪ Creek ▪ Blackfeet ▪ Seminole ▪ Cheyenne ▪ Arawak ▪ Shawnee ▪ Mohegan ▪ Huron ▪ Oneida ▪ Lakota ▪ Crow ▪ Teton ▪ Hopi ▪ Inuit
*Teachers discretion
Who is the Cheif Justice of the supreme court?
John Roberts