Law of Blood or Law of Soil
Citizen or not a Citizen
Aliens and Refugees
History of Citizenship

This law states that anyone born in the United States or a United States territory is a natural born citizen

What is law of soil

My parents are both American citizens but I was born in Italy while they were on vacation. 

Citizen due to law of blood


I am an immigrant living in the United States but have none of the documentation required to live here legally. Am I a legal alien, illegal alien, or refugee?

Illegal alien


What is naturalization?

The process in which an immigrant becomes a U.S. citizen after meeting certain requirements. 


When the constitution was first signed, did women have the right to vote?



This law states that if one of your biological parents are a U.S. Citizen then you are automatically a natural born citizen. 

Law of blood


I am a Citizen of Puerto Rico. 

Citizen because Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory. 

The United States allows me to live in the country to escape persecution in my home country. What am I?



What is the difference between a natural born citizen and a naturalized citizen?

A natural born citizen was automatically a citizen at birth. A naturalized citizen became a citizen later in life.

When the constitution was first signed, who was considered a citizen?

White land-owning men


My parents are both Italian citizens. I was born in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Am I a Citizen and which law would make me a Citizen?

Yes because of the law of soil


I am a German citizen who immigrated to the United States 10 years ago. I have a green card but have not completed all steps of the naturalization process. 

Not a Citizen.


What is a refugee?

Someone living in a country who is escaping persecution in their home country


How long does one have to live in the United States before they can become naturalized?

5 years. 3 if married to a U.S. citizen.


When did women gain the right to vote?



My father is a Canadian citizen and my mother is a French citizen. I was born in Japan. Am I a U.S. citizen and which law would make me a Citizen?

Not a Citizen.

I was a U.S. citizen but have been living in Ireland for the past 10 years. 



I am a Japanese citizen. I am currently living in the United States for work. I have the required paperwork and documentation. I have not lived here long enough to go through the naturalization process. 

Legal alien.


Name three of the requirements needed to become naturalized.

  • Age: Be at least 18 years old when you apply 
  • Residence: Have been a lawful permanent resident of the US for at least five years, or three years if you are married to a US citizen 
  • Physical presence: Have been physically present in the US for at least 30 months out of the five years 
  • English language: Be able to read, write, and speak basic English 
  • Civics: Have a basic understanding of US history and government 
  • Moral character: Have good moral character, which means not having certain problems with the police or other authorities 
  • Loyalty oath: Take a loyalty oath and support the Constitution and form of government of the United States 
  • Application: Submit Form N-400, Application for Naturalization

What did the 14th amendment do?

Granted citizenship to all persons "born or naturalized in the United States," including formerly enslaved people


My father is a Japanese citizen and my mother is a Citizen of Puerto Rico. I was born in Australia. Am I a U.S. citizen and which law would make me a Citizen.

Yes because of the law of soil. Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory. 


Both of my parents were born and raised as citizens in India. After immigrating to the United States they went through the naturalization process successfully. While they were visiting family in India I was born in India. Am I a U.S. citizen. 

Citizen. Both parents are naturalized citizens.


I was born in Mexico. My father is a French citizen and my mother an American citizen. I moved to the United States two years ago and do not know English. Am I a legal alien, illegal alien, or refugee?

Trick question. They are already an American citizen due to the law of blood.


I legally immigrated to the United States one year ago. I know how to speak and write English. I have not gotten into any legal trouble. I am deeply knowledgeable about U.S. civics and history. I am 25 years old. Can I be naturalized?

Not yet because they have not lived in the United States long enough.


Who was considered a citizen of the United States in the year 1200?

Trick question. There were no citizens of the United States in the year 1200 because it did not exist. 
