From Clouds to the River
From River to Tap
Waste & Recycling - Landfill
From Tap to River
Waste & Recycling - Collection
Water falls to the earth in this form.
What is rain or snow?
Water that arrives at the water treatment plants is called this because it has not been treated.
What is raw water?
The liquid that permeates down through garbage is called this.
What is leachate?
The City of Calgary has this many wastewater treatment plants, they are called?
What are 3 - Fish Creek; Pine Creek and Bonnybrook?
Toothpicks and soiled paper napkins should go into which waste stream.
What is the green cart composting?
These metal grates can be found on the side of the roads and often at the edge of sidewalks.
What are catch basins?
This river shares the same name as a body part and it supplies the Glenmore Water Treatment Plant.
What is the Elbow River?
The City of Calgary has this many active landfills. Name them.
What is 3 - Spyhill, East Calgary, Shepard?
Pipes can be big enough to drive what through?
What is a Car?
This is the number one type of commodity that people recycle in their blue carts and the CRDs.
What is cardboard?
This is what we call water that is collected from rainstorms or melting snow.
What is stormwater?
The Bow and Elbow rivers supply which treatment facilities in Calgary
What are the Glenmore and Bearspaw Water Treatment facilities?
Name one of the 5 inactive City landfill within the city limits.
What is Highfield, Blackfoot, Nose Creek, Springbank or Ogden Dry Disposal?
It is ok to put dental floss, hair, wet wipes and tissues, cotton swabs/cotton balls and cosmetic pads into the toilet. True or False?
False - toss bathroom trash in the wastebasket. These items can cause sewer back-ups.
This is the number of black cart customers that have their cart emptied every week, 52 times a year.
What is 325,000?
A dry pond can be a field where you play soccer.True or False?
It was during this month in Calgary that we experienced a record rainfall.
What is July?
This is the number of metric tonnes that went into all three active landfills in 2014.
What is 670,000 tonnes, aka 670 million kilograms?
These help eat dissolved nutrients in the wastewater process.
What are bugs?
True of false – it is OK to put metal clothes hangers into the blue cart.
What is False – metal like this is recyclable, but not in the blue cart, and can tangle up in the sorting equipment causing stoppage and damage, or even cause an injury for one of the people that sort.
This type of pond always has water but the water will get much deeper during a storm. This type of pond helps clean the water that comes off the roads, it helps slow water down allowing for the heavy dirt and garbage to settle to the bottom.
What is a wet pond?
Each of the 2 Water Treatment facilities have this many filters to help treat and clean the water. (Hint 12 + 12 =?")
What is 24?
True or false – an apple will decompose when buried in a landfill.
What is False – material is buried at a landfill, which takes away exposure to oxygen, which is necessary to break down organic matter. An apple will stay in stasis inside a landfill for decades, very slowly and continuously releasing greenhouse gases.
We often find that high consumption can occur from this culprit. This household item can experience silent leaks.
What is your toilet?
True or false – it is OK to put engine oil into the black cart.
What is False – all Household Hazardous Materials should be kept out of the landfills, and disposed of properly at one of the fire halls or landfill proper handling sites.