Violence in the Workplace
Anti Harrasment and Discrimination Policy
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Romantic Relationships in the Workplace / Scent-ual Policies
Technology Policy

True or False?

City employees can carry a folding knife with a 3 inch blade.

True, a blade under 3.5 inches is allowed if needed in your job duties, anything larger than that is not allowed in the parks/facilities!


True of False...

Hazing is okay as long as no one gets hurt.

False.  Hazing is peer pressure, which can be considered bullying. It is not allowed and not a way to build relationships. 


True or False:

Upon reasonable suspicion that an employee cannot safely or effectively perform the duties of the job, the employee shall submit to a fitness for duty exam.

True.  Refusal to comply may result in disciplinary action, which may include termination.


True or False: You are not allowed to wear cologne or perfume to work, because it may make your coworkers attracted to you.

True, however the official reason is that the City has a scent-free policy in all facilities. 


True or False:  It is against City policy to stream, download, or engage in computer activities that would overload the network.   



When should you alert your supervisor in the event of any violent act, or threat of a violent act against you or a coworker?

A) Withing 2 working days

B) By the end of the day

C) Immediately

C. It is the responsibility of all employees to notify a supervisor immediately of any violent act or, threat of a violent act against themselves or any other City employee.


True or False

It is acceptable to make sexual or racial jokes or comments as long as you are from that same background, or friends with each other.    

False.  The policy prohibits unlawful harassment in any form including verbal, physical or visual conduct, as well as use of computers.  


True or False, you could be considered impaired after using certain medications (allergy, cold, pain killers).

True, some medications affect your physical or cognitive abilities, making it difficult for you to safely perform your job duties. 


What does PSW stand for? (Building located in the Finley Complex) 

What is... the Person Senior Wing!


Is it okay to post a picture in your City staff shirt on your social media, if your account is private?

False, you should not wear your uniform outside of work OR post photos online of you or other staff.


Who is allowed to carry a firearm or deadly weapon on City Property.

On duty law enforcement  



What is the name of the Rec and Parks Mascot and what Animal is it?

Spunky the Squirrel


Impairment is the emotional or physical inability of an employee to safely and effectively perform his or her job . Is a bad hangover or considered being impaired?

Yes, if you are unable to safely and effectively perform your job or still under the influence.


True or False: Poor hygiene that can cause excessive odors can be a violation of the scent free policy.

True, if a scent is permeating a building or space, it is in violation of the Scent-Free workplace policy.

Examples of this may include: Strong body odor, Unclean uniform, or lingering smells of tobacco, cannabis or alcohol.


Is it okay to use a city computer to conduct business on your Etsy account (or other online sales platforms) during your downtime?

FALSE! Conducting non-City related business which results in private gain or advantage is against the Technology Use Policy


What is the Non-Emergency Police number.

What is... 707-528-5222


You overhear an inappropriate joke that your coworker is telling another staff member and find it offensive, what action are you encouraged to take under the Anti-Harassment and Discrimination Policy?

An employee is encouraged to tell the offending individual that the offensive behavior is unwelcome, offensive or inappropriate. 

If the offended employee is reluctant to confront them, or the behavior continues, the employee should inform a supervisor, or the Human Resources Department of the incident or incidents. 



This city building was used for a "Ripley's Believe it or Not" museum at one time and is located at Juilliard Park.

What is... The Church of One Tree, originally built out of a single 275 foot redwood tree in 1873.


You've been working together with your team all summer and start to develop feelings for a coworker, is it a good idea to ask them on a date?

Big Yikes! Romantic and/or sexual relationships between co-workers, if not handled appropriately, can be divisive and cause friction in the workplace.


A city employee sends a DM to a coworker that is sexually-suggestive. What TWO policies does this violate and why?

Anti-Harrassment and Discrimination Policy - This policy prohibits unlawful harassment in any form including use of computers.

 and the Technology Policy - prohibits the use of City computers for any purpose that violates the City’s Anti-Harassment and Discrimination policies


You see an angry member of the public take a baseball bat to a vehicle. After calling the police, what City form should you complete?

What is..... a Conduct Report

A Violent Act is an aggressive physical behavior for the apparent purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing others or damaging property 


List all persons considered a protected class against discrimination. (Full points if you get 5 or more).

Race, color, religion, national origin, age (40+), gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, characteristics or expression, disability, or any other characteristics protected by State or Federal law.  


Employees must notify their supervisor of any criminal or drug-related charges/violations no later than ____ # of days after the incident.

Five days, this includes any DUIs, Minor In Possession, or any other drug-related charges.  


Why is it against City Policy for an employee to have a relationship with their manger/supervisor?

Because they are in a position of influence and it could create a conflict of interest.   


What is our department website address? (Bonus points if you know our Instagram handle)
