What is Baltimore City Public Schools? or What is City Schools?
The number of National Standards in Health Education.
What is 8?
Opt out form
What is a form that teachers must provide to students for parents/guardians to complete prior to teaching Sexual Health Ed?
What is a strategy taught to students to address their personal rules?
What is....
1.Comprehend Concepts
2.Analyze Influences
3.Access Valid Information
4.Use Interpersonal Communication
5.Decision Making Skills
6.Goal Setting
7.Practice Health Enhancing Behaviors
8.Advocate for Personal, Family and Community Health
Skills Based Health Education
What is an approach to teaching Health Ed that focuses on development of Knowledge, Attitudes, Values, and Skills (including life skills such as inter-personal skills, critical and creative thinking, decision making, analyzing and accessing valid information) that are needed to make and act on the most appropriate and positive health-related decisions.
What is Trust, Respect, Equality and Open Communication? (MPC) or What are the 4 components of a healthy relationship? (MPC)
Health Literacy
What is the overall goal of health education? or
What is the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions?
What is Code of Maryland Regulations? OR
What is the official compilation of all administrative regulations issued by agencies of the state of Maryland?