Campus Resources
Understanding Grades
Academic Dips

Why would you go to the Bursar's Office?

You need to pay your bill. (You can also pay online through CUNYFirst.)


What is the passing grade for a class? Both the number and the letter!

D= 60 

However, some majors require a C or above in all or certain major courses. This is true for CST, ARCH, CMCE. 


What is the term for your Grade Point Average from the time of your admission into City Tech to the present?

Cumulative GPA


What happens if you fall below a 2.0 GPA after your first semester?

You are placed on Academic Alert and have one semester to improve before you would go on academic probation. 

*This is a general rule but could vary slightly depending on how many credits you've taken at CUNY


Where would you go if you couldn’t afford a required textbook and need to read some of the chapters for class?

The Library!



You want help proofreading an essay. Where do you go?

The Writing Center


What do you need to do before withdrawing from a class?

Talk to your ASAP Advisor!


What GPA do you need to get on the Dean's List at City Tech? 

GPA of 3.5 or better

No F, INC, R, WU, WF, or WN grades


When a student is on academic probation, what is the cumulative GPA or term GPA they need in order to avoid dismissal?

Above a 2.0 GPA to get off of probation. 

Above 2.25 for the Term GPA to be placed on continued Academic Probation for the following semester. 


Where would you go if you need an official letter stating your enrollment in school?

The Registrar


You want to start a club. Where do you go?

The Office of Student Life and Development



True or False: An INC Grade will automatically turn into an F grade.  

False: If you complete the pending work required by your professor by the deadline, the professor can change your grade accordingly. If you do not complete pending items for your class, the INC will convert to an F grade. 


What two types of GPAs are found on your college transcript? 

Your transcript shows Semester & Cumulative (CUM) GPAs.

If you’re trying to bring up your GPA, it can be helpful to calculate the GPA with your “goal grades.”


What happens to your financial aid if your cumulative GPA drops below 2.0?

There are different rules to keep Pell, TAP, and Excelsior, but it's possible to lose all of those types of aid based on a low GPA or based on how many credits you've earned.  


True or False: Being late can cause your final grade to drop by several points. 

True. Attendance and Lateness always count for a portion of your grade. Being on time and attending all classes can bring you from a B to a B+ depending on how your professor calculates your grade. In the same way, if you have poor attendance and are often late, it can bring your B- down to a C.  


You took untimed tests in high school and want to receive the same accommodations in college. Where do you go? 

The Center for Student Accessibility


True or False: You cannot repeat any 'D' or 'F' grades. 

False: If you retake the exact same course and receive a “C” or better, the initial grade will be taken out of your GPA. The initial “D” or “F” grade will remain on your transcript. 


What are three things you need to calculate your own GPA?

~Final grades (or goal grades if you’re trying to plan ahead)

~Number of credits for each class


OR you can use an online GPA calculator: 


True or False: If you get academically dismissed, you can never return to City Tech.

False: After taking some time off, you are allowed to appeal to be readmitted to the college. You'd have to write a statement explaining why things will go differently.


What happens in ASAP if you fall below a 2.0 GPA?

You are placed on in our Skills for Success series to help get you back on track and off of academic probation/ academic alert. 


If you needed help with completing verification, which office would you ask? 

Financial Aid Office

OR ASAP Financial Aid Specialist,


How many credits can you replace by using the CUNY Repeat policy?

You may only replace 16 credits of “D”, “F”, or “WF” grades in your GPA


DOUBLE JEOPARDY!! (1 min 30 sec)

Aaron received the following grades this semester. Is he in Good Academic Standing? 

ENG 1101 (3 credits) A

MAT 1275 (4 credits) C

COM 1330 (3 credits) D

CST 1100 (3 credits) B+

A (4.0) x 3= 12

C (2.0) x 4= 8

D (1.0) x 3= 3

B+(3.33) x 3 = 9.99

32.99 / 13 = 2.537


Hypothetical: Paula got straight Cs for 15 credits in her first semester and straight Ds for 15 credits in her second semester.  Would Paula be in good standing, on academic alert, or on academic probation in her third semester?

Paula's cumulative GPA would be 1.5 after 30 credits, so she would be on academic probation. Keep in mind that she passed all of her classes, so your goal should never just be to pass!


True or False: If you are caught using ideas, data, or exact wording without citing your source, you could be dismissed from the college.

True: That is considered Academic Dishonesty. Penalties include failing or reduced grades, suspension or expulsion.
