"Hurricane Katrina? More like ________!"
What is Hurricane Tortilla.
Marvel's most recent superhero movie.
What is Blank Panther.
"Do u know da wae?"
What is Ugandan Knuckles.
Barry the Bee is the main character in this movie.
What is The Bee Movie.
Finish the meme:
"Oh finally you're here b, you got a _____"
What is "Dollar".
"I spilled lipstick in your _________."
What is Valentino bag.
"Somebody toucha my ___?!"
What is spaghet.
This meme is now dead, but circulated the internet around last November. This man is often compared to the Grinch.
What is Ajit Pai.
What does the Roblox death sound sound like?
What is "oof".
Guess the TikTok Trend:
Thrashers Sweaters, Hoops, Acrylic nails, Edges, Hot Cheetos
What is a Ghetto Hot Cheeto Girl.
Finish the Vine reference:
What is furry.
What is Connect Four.
The only person that loves and understands me. The person that is always watching out for me.
Me: "I forgot the milk!"
____ : "Look out your window" ;)
What is Mr. FBI Man.
Why weren't you at ______ ?!?!?!
What is elf practice.
Finish the TikTok song:
"why don't you say so?
Didn't even notice, no punches there to roll with
What is "You got to keep it focused, you want it, say so"
An orange and blue snacc. A soapy boi.
He clean. He soften. He send you to a coffin.
What is Tide Pods.
What is The Babadook.
(hint: both of these are battle royale games)
What is Fortnite vs. PUBG.
Do the TikTok Dance:
Renegade, to the song "Lottery" by K-Camp
What is *do the dance*
"...But as it turns out, that might be what you get."
What is Burger King Foot Lettuce.
He's worse than his brother.
What is Logan Paul.
What is Ben Swolo, aka Shirtless Kylo Ren.
Guess the TikTok trend:
Typical white female name, Want to speak to the manager
What is a Karen.