She is considered the sweetest, most endearing character in 19th century English novel by Austen
Who is "Anne Elliot"?
Novel based on the life of a French peasant after 19 years imprisonment and his journey to redemption; set in the sewers of France in 1832.
What is 'Les Miserables'?
This 19th century historical novel could be titled 'The Victims', 'The Wretched', the 'Poor Ones'
What is 'Les Miserables'
She published only one (1) novel in 1845 before her early death at age 30 under the pseuodonym "Ellis Bell'; her classic English novel focused on the distructive aspects of the love between and daughter and an adopted son.
Who is Emily Bronte?
She was the sister of Charlotte who authored the novel Jan Eyre.
Who was Emily Bronte?
This character is based largely on the real career of Eugene Vidocq, an ex-convict of the 19th century in France, in a novel by Hugo.
Who is 'Jean Valjean'?
Set amoung the marshes of Kent and in London in the early to mid 1800's; the plot of this novel is the story of an orphan's quest to become and gentleman and win the love of his childhood friend Estella - despite the spiteful plans of a wealthy spinster - Mrs. Havisham.
What is Great Expectations?
Set in the Yorkshire moors, this novel tells of Catherine's struggle between two loves (Edgar and Heathcliff) and the destructive consequences of her choices.
What is 'Wuthering Heights'?
This author referrring to his book -Great Expectations, called it a very fine idea and his greatest work.
Who is Charles Dickens?
In this 1962 film rendition of the classic novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' he played the character of Atticus Finch.
Who is Gregory Peck?
His is an orphan, protagonist and narrator in this coming of age Victorian novel, who suffers from the actions of his companion Mrs. Havisham?
Who is Pip?
The core theme of this novel, set in the Yorkshire Moors of England on the estates of Thrushcross Grange, and the estate of Mr. Earnshaw, is enuring love between the heroine and her father's adopted son and how it eventually destroys their lives and the lives of those around tuem.
What is Wuthering Heights?
This novel tells a story of lost love due to interventions of family concerned with proper marriages and other high society protocols; characters include Sir Walter Elliot, Elliot daughters, Captain Wentworth, the Musgroves, Lady Russell, Mrs. Clay
What is 'Persuasion'?
This author, dead at 41, was known for numerous novels set 19th English times that highlight the superficial social life of the upper class in Bath, and offer biting comments about family.
Who is Jane Austin?
Name the youngest Elliott daughter of Sir Walter Elliott.
Who is Mary Elliott Musgrove?
An orphan from the streets of London, adopted by Mr. Earnshaw who suffers from enduring love of Catharine distroying his life and those around him?
Who is Healthcliff?
Kellynch Hall, Musgrove Estate and City of Bath and Englsh seaport provide setting for the story of family and social interferance with the love match for the middle Elliott sister.
What is Persuasion?
Referred to as a bildungsroman (coming of age) novel and of southern gothic genre that literary classic includes grotesque and near supernatural qualities of one character and element of racial injustice with other characters.
What is 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?
This author provided the world with a French historical novel published in 1862, that follows the lives of many characters and explores the themes of politics, moral phioloshpy, sntimonarchism,justice, religion, redemption, and love.
Who is Victor Hugo?
Name the actress that played Fantine in the recent movie rendition of Les Miserables.
Who is Anne Hathaway?
This lead character in this 1960's novel fights against racial inequality and has become something of folk hero in legal circles- as a model of integrity for the legal profession
Who is Atticus Finch?
Story takes place in the tired old town of Maycomb, Alabama during the 3 years of the great depression with cast of characters named Boo Readley, Scout, Atticus Finch.
What is to 'Kill a Mockingbird'?
A wealthy spinster who wears an old wedding dress is a lead character in this 19th Century English novel that explores the growth and personal development of an orphan.
What is 'Great Expectations'?
Born 1926, in Monroeville Alabama, this Pulitzer Prize winning author's novel dealt with a number of themes including - southern life, racial injustice, loss of innocense and code of honor as she observed when she was ten.
What is 'Harper Lee'
Captain Wentworth made his wealth from maritime victories in which wars.
What is Neopolanic Wars?