one of a common good citizen trait..
what is trustworthy and honest?
age you need to be?
what is 18
a right that you are born with? (if on American soil.)
what is 14th amendment
responsibility is something you have to do, true or false.
what is false
The government can't..
what is force religion on you?
you have to have this trait for yourself
what is self-reliance?
you have to live in the US for...
what is 5 years
a duty that everyone hates?
what is paying taxes
you HAVE to register and vote
what is false. (It's recommended.)
The right to.. (in general)
what is freely express your feelings and beliefs?
good thing to have for your country
what is loyal?
you have to take a test on..
what is US history
the right you have that will make you silent.
what is the 5th amendment AKA; (I plead the fifth)
the press has the right to.
what is gather critical information and publish it about the government?
you have to have this or go to big boy prison
what is respect for the law
the ability to..
what is read and speak English?
a duty that everyone has to do?
what is obeying laws
you have to tell the government that something is out of order.
what is false ( but it is encouraged.)
People can..
what is assemble? (peacefully gather together.)
a trait that every country needs?
what is patriotism?
you have to be..
what is a good moral person
something that if you are called you HAVE to do.
what is armed forces (if called or are in the millitary.)
you should..
what is respect others opinions and beliefs?
the right to.. (the higher ups)
what is voice our opinions to government officials