How are city councilors selected to serve?
They are elected by residents every 2 years
What does public works manage?
Parks, water, and city roads.
Who proposes the budget
Who approves it
Budget Committee
City Council
How are comissions established?
By ordinance or resolution of the council.
Who is Estacada's current City Manager
Melanie Wagner
2 ways you can give input on the budget
1. Go to city council meetings
2. Go to budget committee meetings
3. Pay attention to local news during budget season (march-may)
What year was the city Established
3 parts of the Mayor's Role
Political Head of City Government
elected by city residents,
sits on city council,
the mayor is a voting member of the council
has no veto authority.
What are three services offered by the library
1. Community Rooms
2. Mobile Library
3. Events for all ages
4. Printing, Copying, and Computer Use
5. Books, movies, magazines
3 Budget Expenses
Employee salaries
Public safety
Infrastructure projects
State Senate District
Could Include:
School District
Special Districts
Regional Government
3 Characteristics of the Council
elected; to set the vision and values of the community into motion
3 Revenue Sources
Property taxes
Various fees for services or permits
Local taxes like a lodging tax or liquor tax
Intergovernmental revenue
State House District
Home Rule
How much a city can set policy and manage its affairs without the need to obtain permission from the state government.
3 characteristics of city manager role`
the administrative head of the city government.
2 Types of Funds
Enterprise Fund
Three largest employing industries in Estacada
Manufacturing, construction, Health care and Social Assistance.