Federalists & Anti-Federalists
Amendments to the United States Constitution
Supreme Court Rulings
The Federal Government
The North Carolina Government
These two men, turned bitter rivals, were the leaders of America's first two political factions
Who are Thomas Jefferson (Anti-Federalists) and Alexander Hamilton (Federalists)?
This amendment guarantees that no one in the United States shall be denied citizenship or equal protection of the law because of their race, country of origin, ethnicity, or sex.
What is the 14th Amendment
This ruling established the doctrine of 'separate but equal." Which existed within the United States until the monumental landmark case of Brown v. Board of ED. (1955)
What is Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Which of the following does not make up a part of the Executive Branch of the United States government? (A) President (B) Council of State (C) Cabinet (D) Executive Agencies
What is (B) Council of State
This is where you can find the idea of "divine guidance"
What is the Preamble to the North Carolina Constitution?
This party would have had a larger issue with the recent events revolving around the United States' use of the NSA (National Security Agency) to eavesdrop on its citizens and world leaders
What are the Anti-Federalists
Which amendment does not provide for or expand social equality (A) 13th Amendment (B) 19th Amendment (C) 22nd Amendment (D) 24th Amendment
What is (C) 22nd Amendment
Which of the following cases did not extend citizens rights to freedom of speech? (A) Tinker v. Des Moines (B) Texas v. Johnson (C) Brandenburg v. Ohio (D) Bethel School v. Fraser
What is (D) Bethel School v. Fraser
A Writ of Certiorari can be sent after this many justices vote in favor of hearing a case
What is 4 (of 9)
These are the term requirements on Governors in the state of North Carolina
What are two consecutive terms?
The Federalists supported this clause in the Constitution which gave Congress "Implied Powers"
What is the Elastic Clause, or the Necessary and Proper Clause?
Which Amendment does not expand voting rights to new groups? (A) 24th Amendment (B) 15th Amendment (C) 26th Amendment (D) 19th Amendment
What is (A) 24th Amendment
This Supreme Court ruling defined the role of the Supreme Court within our system of government and created "judicial review"
What is Marbury v. Madison (1803)
This is the type of jurisdiction that US District Courts have
What is original jurisdiction?
This is a special vote where the citizens vote to approve or disapprove of a potential legislative action
What is a referendum
This region of the country is where Alexander Hamilton called home
What is the northeast (New York)?
Which of the following is not a protection guaranteed in the 5th Amendment? (A) Right to a lawyer (B) Right to not self-incriminate (C) No double jeopardy (D) Right to Eminent Domain
What is (A) Right to a lawyer
In McCulloch v. Maryland the Supreme Court ruled that the Federal Government does not have to pay taxes to the State Governments. This ruling established that the Federal Government was _________ to the State Governement
What is Superior?
The Great Compromise created this
What is Congress?
Which of the following is not elected to office? (A) Cabinet (B) State Court Judges (C) Sheriff (D) Council of State
What is (A) Cabinet?
This is a belief that is the Constitution does not clearly express that the Federal Government can do something, then it should be left as a responsibility of the State Governments
What is a strict interpretation of the Constitution?
This is the only Amendment to cancel out and already existing Amendment
What is the 21st Amendment?
Which of these cases does not deal with civil rights or establishing societal equaliy? (A) Korematsu v. United States (B) Reed v. Reed (C) Dred Scott v. Sandford (D) Gibbons v. Ogden
What is Gibbons v. Ogden
This enlightenment thinker had the philosophy that the government should be divided into parts to avoid corruption and tyranny, which he called "separation of powers," or "tripartite"
Who is Baron de Montisquieu?
Which historical event did not lead North Carolina to create a new constitution? (A) End of the American Civil War (B) War of 1812 (C) The American Revolution (D) The Civil Rights Movement
What is (B) War of 1812?