A division of state government formed to carry out state laws, collect taxes, and supervise elections in a single small area.
What is a county?
A public meeting at which townspeople meet regularly to discuss and vote on town issues
What is town meeting?
Because they allow all citizens to participate directly in government
Why are town meetings important?
The basic plan for local government that defines its powers, responsibilities, and organization.
What is a charter?
The legislative body of a city’s government
What is city council?
A home-rule city can write and amend its own charter, while a city without home-rule power cannot.
What is the difference between a home-rule city and a city without home-rule power?
The elected official in charge of county law enforcement
What is a sheriff?
The unit of government formed to meet many different needs
What is special district?
Building roads, public education
The regulations that govern a community
What are ordinances?
They have legislative and executive branches, as well as other elected officials. They carry out state laws, collect taxes, and supervise elections in a small area.
What do counties do?
through charters, in ways defined by the state
How are local governments established?
The authority of a city to write and amend its own municipal charter
What is home rule?
For more funding and better quality, interstate highways connect almost parts of the country
Why is cooperation on projects such as road building by city, state and national government important?
They have legislative and executive branches, as well as other elected officials
How is county government generally organized?