This document, officially signed in 1788, established the plan for the U.S. government and the basic laws of the United States.
The US Constitution.
This amendment says citizens have the right to maintain a militia (unofficial military)
Today, in a digital / online age, this freedom is often debated. Sometimes on social media this freedom is even censored (blocked) through content moderation or banning things like TikTok.
Freedom of Speech
This kind of speech can be limited because it can immediately lead to a physical altercation.
Fighting Words
This hospital in the Bronx was known as "the butcher shop" was rebuilt in 1976 due to the actions of the Young Lords.
Lincoln Hospital
What is the term used to describe an "official change or add-on to the US Constitution"?
When the federal government seized Mayor Adams's phone to search for evidence of corruption, the 4th Amendment required the FBI to have a _____________.
A (Search) Warrant.
The government is never allowed to favor or promote one ______. The government also cannot stop you from practicing your own _________.
Flag burning is protected by the 1st Amendment because it is considered this kind of speech...
Symbolic Speech
This supreme court justice (the top court in the USA) is from the Bronx and lived in Coop City...
Sonia Sotomayor
What is the main job of the Supreme Court?
1. interpret the Constitution
2. review laws to decide if they are unconstitutional
No matter how bad Mayor Adams's corruption charges might be, the 8th Amendment protects Mr. Adams from these 2 things...
1. no excessive bail or fines
2. no cruel and unusual punishment (torture)
Last year, college students protested on their campuses across the nation. Colleges blocked their right to these freedoms...
Gather peacefully
Peaceful protest
Petition the Government
If you're joking, it's okay; but if you're serious, this kind of speech is LIMITED by the 1st Amendment.
True Threats
Coop City is...
... a cooperative housing complex
... the largest cooperative housing in the world
... a middle class apartments where everyone owns their apartment
The phrase used to describe how the Constitution breaks up the government into 3 branches so that no one person or group has too much power.
Separation of Powers
or Checks and Balances
What right (in the 5th Amendment) does the statement "I plead the 5th" refer to?
Right to not incriminate yourself
Can't be forced to admit guilt
In 1971, the New York Times news exposed the president's lies about American involvement in the Vietnam War.
Which part of the 1st Amendment protects the newspaper's right to publish spicy details about the government?
Freedom of Press
Right to criticize the government (petition the government for grievances)
To win this kind of case, you have to prove that someone published false statements with malicious intent to cause you harm.
Defamation of Character
The tragic Decade of Fire happened because...
- disinvestment from fire houses in the BX
- redlining kept lower income families in the bronx
- urban renewal / slum clearance in Manhattan created new slums in the BX
- landlords getting insurance $ to pay kids to burn the buildings (landlord greed and neglect)
Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the US Constitution explain what in the US Government?
3 Branches of Government
- Art 1: Legislative branch
- Art 2: Executive branch
- Art 3: Judicial branch
When a right or law is not named in the Constitution, which group has the responsibility / authority to make the laws?
The States / The People
Amendment 10
In many countries, doing this could land you in jail. But in the US, the People have the right to do this regarding their government...
Complain to/about the government
Petition the government of grievances
Demand their government make changes
Criticize the government
The court believes that censoring opposing beliefs would do more damage to democracy, so this kind of harmful speech is protected in order to encourage public debate.
Hate Speech
Name one group that Stayed, Fought and Rebuilt the Bronx when the government had neglected the Bronx.
Banana Kelly
People’s Development Corp
Northwest Bronx CCC