Amendment 1
protects freedom of speech, religion, the press, and assembly. It also gives citizens the right to petition the government.
The right to a fair and speedy trial
Amendment 6
Everyone is subject to the same laws including our government officials
Rule of Law
people give away some of their power to the government in exchange for protection
Social Contract
Concerns Minors
Juvenile Law
The Right to Bear Arms
Amendment 2
Not all rights are listed in the Constitution
9th Amendment
Procedures for enforcing the law are fair and transparent - Individuals have the right to a hearing, legal counsel, etc.
Due Process
natural rights, natural law, and social contract
Ideas John Locke is known for
disputes between private parties
Civil Law
First 10 Amendments in the Constitution
Bill of Rights
Protects from cruel and unusual punishment
8th Amendment
trial by jury, limited government, rule of law
3 concepts found in the Magna Carta that influenced the Founding Fathers
by giving them the ideas of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances
Influence Montesquieu had on Founding Fathers
rights and responsibilities from the US Constitution including the Bill of Rights
Constitutional Law
Wrote the Bill of Rights
James Madison
Protects people from being held for a crime, unless accused, double jeopardy, and self incrimination
Amendment 5
a government enforced rule with a penalty for violation
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
3 rights Thomas Jefferson said every American is entitled to
the government charges the accused of committing a crime
Criminal Law
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment 8
Power not granted to the federal government belongs to the states and the people.
10th Amendment
Oldest written law
Code of Hammurabi
No power to tax, regulate trade, and enforce laws
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
has to do with the armed forces
Military Law