Important Dates
Real Life Situations
Name all the ponies in My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.
What is Fluttershy, Applejack, pinkiepie, rainbowdash, princess twilight sparkle,
The responsibilities of the legislative and executive branches of governments differ when it comes to treaties by
How does Congress approve treaties, and the president negotiates foreign treaties.
The following events happened. British increase ---> Boston tea ---> ??? ---> Declaration taxes on tea. party. of independence. THIS EVENT COMPLETES THE LIST.
What is the Intolerable Acts and the British.
Peter has lived in his home since he was child. Now the city department of parks and recreation wants to tear down his neighborhood to build a park. The city manager comes to visit Peter and offers to buy the house from him. Peter refuses. The city managers says that the city will now seize the property under the constitutional power of "eminent domain". According to the U.S. Constitution Peter would have to do this to win his fight to keep his home. So basically, Sora be livin' on Destiny Island for like forever. Then this heartless be all like, "Yo! Move, I want to make this my heartless hotspot. I'll give you lots of munni if you do." Then Sora refuses. Then the heartless says he'll take it anyway because he has the right to under "eminent domain". Sora would have to do this to keep living on this island.
The city did not offer him fair market price fo r his home.
In a unitary system, this person has the most power.
Who is Central government?
Queen Elsa brings winter to summer because of this.
What is anna messing up
The formal amendment process is important because of this.
How does it allow the Constitution to be adjusted as times change.
A daily newspaper recorded the following: "February 8, 1970. WIDESPREAD PROTESTS "We're being drafted to fight in Vietnam," says one man. "Shouldn't we be able to vote?" Opinions like these affected the political process in the U.S. It soon led to:
What is the 26th amendment, allowing 18-yr-olds to vote.
This situation does NOT involve a right protected by the Bill of Rights. Freedom to write my opinions in the local newspaper. The ability to own a gun, , as long as I follow laws. The guarantee of a well-paying job. Freedom to join the church of my choosing.
What is the guarantee of a well-paying job.
The type of government is when one dude or chick possess unlimited power.
What is Autocracy?
Which two characters are my fav of all time/
What is hello kitty, and pooh bear
The following lists some powers of the executive branch. ~Proposes laws ~Vetoes laws ~Grants federal pardons ~Negotiates foreign treaties Another power can also be added to this list.
How do they appoint federal judges?
A local newspaper recorded the following: "May 26, 1965. VOTING RIGHTS ACT PASSES IN THE SENATE 97% of republicans and 73% of Democrats in favor; vote now moves to the house." The passage of this legislation affected the political process in the U.S. by enforcing this amendment.
What is the Fifteenth Amendment? It protects the right of racial minorities to vote.
Ben was prosecuted and convicted in state court for speaking out publically against the governor. During his trial, he was denied the counsel of a lawyer. Two years later, the U.S. Supreme court overturned his conviction, explaining that the state had not guaranteed Ben's constitutional rights. This amendment applies to this case.
What is the 1st amendment (free speech) and the 4th amendment. (due process.)
Kayla sat in the meeting hall and tried her best to pay attention to the different candidates for her state's open Senate seat. The candidates duked it out about their positions on issues. When Election Day came along, she voted for the candidate she thought would best serve her community's interests. This government is a type of democracy.
What is Representative Democracy.
Who betrays princess anna in the frozen.
What is Prince Hans.
One of these services is performed by local law. ~Delivering mail. ~Granting teacher certificates ~Minting quarters ~Providing fire protection
What is providing fire protection
American schools after the 1954 U.S. Supremem Court decision in BROWN v. BOARD of EDUCATION, this happened?
How did the federal government order that states integrate classes?
The list explains actions that citizens can take. ~ATTENDING PUBLIC MEETINGS. ~HELPING NEIGHBORS AFTER A STORM. ~FOLLOWING RULES AT LANDMARKS. ~VOLUNTEERING IN THE COMMUNITY. This will happen if a citizen does NOT perform these actions.
What is the common good would suffer?
Often on posters and anywhere anything that is advertised, this type of information is when the government is printing things out to put ideas is people's heads.
What is propaganda?
How many Disney infinity characters do we own.
Buzz, Jessie, Dad, Mom, Dash, Violet, Sully, Mike, Jack sparrow, and syndrome.
Which example involves changing foreign policy. ~Congress lifting the oil embargo on a formerly communist gov. ~A Supreme court hearing on worker discrimination based on national origin. ~Congress voting to construct an aid center in FL for political refugees. ~A Supreme Court justice taking on a case involving his country of birth.
What is A.
A daily newspaper recorded the following: "January 29, 2013 New Secretary of State Appointed and Confirmed" These two parts of the national government participated in the process described in the newspaper headline.
What is Senate and President.
This term is used in the 14th amendment to describe persons who are born or naturalized in the U.S.
What is a citizen.
A more informed society has resulted from this constitutional protection. (Hint Hint: Usually gets people in trouble.)
What is Free Speech?