Origins /Purposes of Gov't
Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities of Citizens
Gov't Policies and Political Practices
Organization/Function of Gov't
Surprise :)

According to John Locke, which agreement did individuals enter into to form their own society?  

A. constitution  

B. social contract 

C. Mayflower Compact  

D. English Bill of Rights  

B. social contract 


Which example is NOT a responsibility of citizenship?  

A. Volunteering in the community  

B. Attending civic meetings  

C. Voting in elections  

D. Paying taxes 

D. Paying taxes  

Paying taxes is an obligation (something a citizen MUST do)


What is a responsibility of the U.S. Senate in foreign policy?  

A. nominating ambassadors  

B. introducing tax bills  

C. negotiating treaties  

D. ratifying treaties 

D. ratifying treaties  

Ratify = approve. The U.S. Senate has the responsibility of approving treaties the President/Executive Branch negotiates.


Which part of the U.S. Constitution outlines legislative power?  

A. First Amendment  

B. Bill of Rights  

C. Preamble  

D. Article I 

D. Article I  

Article I of the U.S. Constitution created the Legislative Branch and outlines the roles and responsibilities. 


Which level of government regulates drivers’ licenses?  

A. County  

B. Federal  

C. Municipal  

D. State  

D. State

Hint: Think about what drivers' licenses look like. The state is on it! 


The conversation below concerns lawmaking.    


Doug:  I believe in making laws only when everyone can participate in public decision making.  


Nicole:  I disagree with you; it is best for laws to be made by the people who have been chosen for that purpose.  


Which colonial principle is being discussed?  

A. limited monarchy  

B. self-government  

C. social contract  

D. natural rights 

B. Self-Government 

Doug and Nicole are discussing laws being made by the people. Self-government is citizens being involved in the process of creating the laws, policies and procedures.


Which of these rights from the Bill of Rights helps people accused of crimes?  

A. The right to bear arms for self-defense  

B. The right to have the assistance of counsel 

C. The right not to have troops quartered in one’s home  

D. The right to petition government for a redress of grievances  

B. The right to have the assistance of counsel  

The right to have the assistance of counsel is the right to have a lawyer assist you if you are accused of a crime. 


In the modern political system, which issue represents a basic disagreement between Republicans and Democrats?   

A. The responsibilities of government   

B. The frequency of national elections   

C. The legality of the U.S. Constitution   

D. The support for the U.S. military soldier  

A. The responsibilities of government   

Democrats and Republicans disagree about the level of responsibility the government should have.

Democrats=More government involvement

Republicans=Less government involvement


Which is the last step in amending the U.S. Constitution?   

A. The voters approve the amendment in a national election.   

B. The president signs the amendment in a public ceremony.   

C. Three-fourths of the state legislatures ratify the amendment.  

D. Two-thirds of both houses of Congress ratify the amendment.  

C. Three-fourths of the state legislatures ratify the amendment.   

Step 1= 2/3 vote

Step 2= 3/4 vote


Which are the only federal courts to have juries?  

A. US District Courts  

B. US Supreme Court  

C. US Circuit Court of Appeals  

D. US District Court of Appeals

A. US District Courts 

U.S. = United States. District courts are the only federal courts that have trials. 

The U.S. Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court review cases.


What check does the U.S. Senate have on the president?  

A. overriding vetoes  

B. appointing judges  

C. declaring laws unconstitutional  

D. refusing to confirm appointments 

D. refusing to confirm appointments  

"Check" means limit. The U.S. Senate can "check" the President by refusing to confirm the people they have nominated to office


If freedom of assembly were not a protected right, American citizens would be unable to 

A. Write letters criticizing government policies. 

B. Join political groups that promote new social policies.

C. Trust newspapers to print the truth about their leaders. 

D. Give public speeches filled with lies about the President. 

B. Join political groups that promote new social policies. 

To assemble means to gather. Without the freedom to gather with others, one might not be able to join groups that promote new policies.


Which individual could qualify as a candidate for President of the United States?  

A. Max is 67 years old; he has lived in Ontario, Canada for all of his life; he was born in Detroit.  

B. Martha is 45 years old; she has lived in Chicago for the last 18 years; she was born in Tampa. 

C. Samuel is 27 years old; he has lived in New York City for the past 3 years; he was born in Israel of American parents.  

D. Karen is 42 years old; she has lived in Boston for the last 26 years; she was born in Ireland of Irish parents

B. Martha is 45 years old; she has lived in Chicago for the last 18 years; she was born in Tampa.  

To qualify for president you must ....

Be at least 35 years old

A natural born Citizen

In the United State 14 consecutive years 


Which describes concurrent powers?  

A. The federal government sets standards state governments must follow.  

B. The federal government shares powers with the state governments. 

C. The federal government has supremacy over state governments.  

D. The federal government follows the lead of state governments  

B. The federal government shares powers with the state governments. 


Below are views related to education.  


1.  Civics should be taught in public schools.  

2.  Good citizenship is learned in communities.    


Which conclusion can be drawn from these views?  

A. Political conflict is a threat to strong societies.  

B. Civic participation should be learned at home.  

C. Political conflict should be reduced through legislation.  

D. Civic involvement is important to building strong societies 

D. Civic involvement is important to building strong societies 


What was the Anti-Federalists’ greatest concern about ratifying the U.S. Constitution?  

A. The lack of a federal court system.  

B. The lack of legislative veto power.  

C. The lack of a strong military. 

D. The lack of a bill of rights. 

D. The lack of a bill of rights.  

Anti-Federalists wanted more state rights and feared a strong central government would be too powerful. To ensure this would not happen, they wanted a bill of rights.


Below is a scenario:  


Calvin was arrested for writing several bad checks.  When he appears before the judge, Calvin asks for help preparing his defense because he is too poor to afford a lawyer.  The judge tells Calvin that he is sorry he is poor, but Calvin will just have to prepare his own defense without any help.  


Based on the scenario, which constitutional violation has occurred?  

A. Calvin is arrested for committing a crime.  

B. Calvin is sentenced to serve time in prison.  

C. Calvin is not allowed to speak freely in court.  

D. Calvin is not granted an attorney. 

D. Calvin is not granted an attorney.  

6th amendment in the Bill of Rights grants those accused of a crime the right to an attorney


Which is an example of a way that a citizen can seek participation in an international organization?    

A. email about internship opportunities at the International Red Cross 

B. “like” the Facebook page of the World Trade Organization  

C. request a trial before the World Court  

D. ask to join the United Nations  

A. email about internship opportunities at the International Red Cross 


What is the term for a type of government in which one person possesses unlimited power?  

A.  Socialism  

B.  Communism  

C.  Democracy  

D.  Autocracy

D.  Autocracy

Autocracy also known as dictatorship.


What lessons did future U.S. leaders learn from the 1974 U.S. Supreme Court Case United States v. Nixon?  

A. The president is accountable for obeying the law.   

B. The president is responsible for enforcing the law.   

C. The president is not allowed to hold secret talks with foreign governments.   

D. The president is not allowed to have private meetings with cabinet members.  

A. The president is accountable for obeying the law.  

Remember the principle rule of law. NO ONE is above the law (Not even you Nixon!)


Which weakness of the Articles of Confederation led to Shay’s Rebellion?    

A. The national government lacked the power to regulate trade.  

B. The national government lacked a national court system.  

C. The national government lacked central leadership.  

D. The national government lacked the power to tax. 


D. The national government lacked the power to tax.  

Shay's Rebellion was caused by farmers demanding pay from the American Revolution. National government could not tax the states to pay the farmers for their service. 


The constitutional guarantee of a free press has resulted in   

A.  a government more likely to hide its actions from the people   

B.  a government more responsive to the needs of the people  

C.  the establishment of English as the official language of the United States   

D.  the establishment of government-run news organizations  

B.  a government more responsive to the needs of the people   

Press = media (news channels, newpapers, magazines, etc.) Free Press is the media having the power to keep tabs on the government and report the truth on what they see. 


Which presidential action was based on Article I of the U.S. Constitution?  

A. John F. Kennedy’s statements about missiles in Cuba  

B. Franklin Roosevelt asking Congress to declare war on Japan 

C. Dwight Eisenhower’s statements about communism in Africa  

D. George H. Bush asking Congress to commit troops for Gulf War I  

B. Franklin Roosevelt asking Congress to declare war on Japan  

Article I of the U.S. Constitution created the Legislative branch and gave them powers to declare war. 


How are the responsibilities of the legislative and executive branches of government different when it comes to treaties?   

A. Congress proposes treaties; the president carries out foreign treaties.  

B. Congress negotiates foreign treaties; the president approves treaties.   

C. Congress carries out foreign treaties; the president proposes treaties  

D. Congress approves treaties; the president negotiates foreign treaties. 

D. Congress approves treaties; the president negotiates foreign treaties.  

U.S. Senate (Congress) has the power to approve the treaties that the President (Executive Branch) negotiates


Which statement reflects Republican views on the role of government?  

A. Republications favor less government, lower taxes, and greater personal freedom.  

B. Republicans favor value-based governance, opposing excessive consumption and unregulated competition.  

C. Republications favor a national mass peoples’ party based on the working classes and against monopoly capitalism.  

D. Republicans favor more affordable health care, increased public funding for education, and an end to discrimination in all forms. 

A. Republications favor less government, lower taxes, and greater personal freedom. 

Republicans=LESS government
