Questions 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-16
Question 17-21
Questions 22-26

1. Which action will the government take when it needs more money?

a) Hold elections

b) Lower prices

c) Increase taxes

d) Hire workers

c) Increase taxes


These headlines best illustrate the concept of —

a) rule of law

b) democracy

c) consent of the governed

d) popular sovereignty

a) rule of law


Which legal process does this headline describe?

a) Legislative proceeding

b) Civil trial

c) Judicial review

d) Criminal prosecution

c) Judicial review


The diagram below shows how the colonists formed some of their political views from historical documents:

Magna Carta                  Limited Government

Mayflower Compact           ?

a.) Self-Government

b.) Separation of Powers

c.) Economic Freedom

d.) Individual Rights

Magna Carta

Limited Government

Mayflower Compact


a.) Self-Government


Based on this passage, with which complaint against the king from the Declaration of Independence would Thomas Paine agree?

a. persecuting immigrant groups

b. taking away religious rights

c. taking away political rights

d. persecuting racial groups

c. taking away political rights


2.) In order for a United States citizen to receive a fair trial, other citizens must —

a) evaluate judges

b) vote in elections

c) pay poll taxes

d) serve on juries

d) serve on juries


a) chief citizen

b) chief legislator

c) chief diplomat

d) chief executive

b) chief legislator


Political parties distribute literature about their candidates in order to —

a) recruit individuals to run for office

b) educate the electorate about campaign issues

c) help new residents register to vote

d) assist people in getting to their polling places

b) educate the electorate about campaign issues


According the John Locke, which agreements did individuals enter into to form their own society?

a) Constitution

b) Social contract

c) Mayflower Compact

d) English Bill of Rights

b) Social contract


Which of the following is NOT an obligation of citizenship?

a) Vote in elections

b) Pay Taxes

c) Obey Laws

d) Defend the nation

a) Vote in elections


Which goal of the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States is illustrated by this cartoon?

a) Provide for the common defense

b) Ensure domestic tranquility

c) Establish justice

d) Form a more perfect union

d) Form a more perfect union


According to the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights, powers not specifically delegated are reserved to the people or —

a) local governments

b) the courts

c) political parties

d) the states

d) the states


Which person has the best chance for influencing local legislation?

a.) A

b.) C

b.) C


Which Enlightenment philosopher influenced the chart below:

a.) John Locke

b.) Montesquieu

c.) Thomas Jefferson

d.) Thomas Paine

b.) Montesquieu


Which amendment protects citizens from “cruel and unusual punishment”?

a) 2nd Amendment

b) 4th Amendment

c) 6th Amendment

d) 8th Amendment

d) 8th Amendment


4.) Which is necessary to amend the Constitution of the United States?

a) Majority vote by the Electoral College

b) Ratification by legislatures or conventions in the states

c) Unanimous vote by both houses of Congress

d) Recommendation by the executive and judicial branches in the states

b) Ratification by legislatures or conventions in the states


Which level of government can declare war on foreign nations?

a) City

b) State

c) County

d) Federal

d) Federal


The cartoon illustrates how the government officials use the media to--

a) communicate with other countries

b) approve federal legislation

c) influence political lobbyists

d) communicate with the public

d) communicate with the public


The Declaration of Independence lists a number of offenses committed by the British king against the American colonists. Which of the following offenses refers to a protection first established by Magna Carta?

a) For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world

b) For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us

c) For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury

d) For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offence

c) For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury


What was the important outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Miranda v. Arizona?

a) If someone cannot afford a lawyer, one must be provided by the state

b) Schools can no longer separate facilities based on race

c) People suspected of committing a crime, must be informed of their rights

d) Students have first amendment rights to free speech

c) People suspected of committing a crime, must be informed of their rights


Which drawing shows a freedom guaranteed in the first amendment?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

c) C


One Way for Mrs. Jones to gain this office is to be elected by--

a) registered voters of the city

b) members of the Governor’s cabinet

c) legislative representatives of the county

d) members of the General Assembly

a) registered voters of the city


Based on the graph, which statement is most accurate? 

a) The number of college- and non-college-educated voters increased between 1972 and 2004.

b) The percentage of voter turnout remained the same for both groups between 1972 and 2004.

c) The number of registered voters in both groups declined each year in all elections.

d) The college-educated voters were more likely to vote than were non-college educated voters.

d) The college-educated voters were more likely to vote than were non-college educated voters.


Which document completes the following chart?

a.) Magna Carta

b.) English Bill of Rights

c.) Declaration of Independence

d.) Mayflower Compact

c.) Declaration of Independence


Florida fishermen are concerned about pollution from a Georgia power plant flowing into rivers that run through both states. Who should they contact?

a) the Mayor

b) their local police

c) the US Environmental Protection Agency

d) the President

c) the US Environmental Protection Agency
