What body or institution makes and administers a Country's laws?
What Photo ID can be used to Vote?
All photo IDs must have the following:
What Amendment that gave women the right to vote?
19th Amendment
This war was nicknamed "the times of troubles."
What is the Revolutionary War?
What is a form of government in which all power is given to a few people or a dominant class or clique with common interests such as money, wealth, religion or control?
An oligarchy
How many years can a senator serve?
6 years.
An act of nonviolent, voluntary stopping to buy a product, use a service or shop at a store as an expression of protest
What is a Boycott?
What is our form of government in the U.S?
A Democracy
Who interprets our laws?
Who is the Supreme Court
A landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1954 that ruled racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional.
What is Brown vs Board of Education?
What branch of government interprets the laws?
What is the Judicial Branch.
A tax imposed by one country on the goods and services imported from another country to influence it, raise revenues, or protect competitive advantages.
What is a Tariff?
The sharing of power between the states and the central government.
What is the Federal System
What are the two houses that make up Congress?
What is the House of Representatives and the Senate.
How long can a Supreme Court judge serve?
What is for life.
What branch of government makes the laws?
Legislative Branch.
Who has the power to coin money, to declare war, and to override a presidential veto with a 2/3s vote of both houses?
Congress - House of Representatives and Senate