How many votes in the Senate to ratify all presidential treaties?
2/3 or 67 votes.
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand launched Europe into the Great War, also known as...
World War I
This C.I.A. assisted a bunch of Cuban exiles to invade their birth country in order to liberate it from the cloches of Fidel Castro.
Bay of Bigs Invasion
This form of Government is ruled by the people.
Which part of congress is to advise and consent the President?
U.S. Senate
When the President is speaking to other heads of states in an act of diplomacy he is portraying his role as ...
Chief Diplomat
The Japanese bombed the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor bringing the United States into....
World War II
The Russians placed an arsenal of missiles on the island of Cuba nearly bringing the world close to nuclear war.
Cuban Missile Crisis
NO form of government is called a ........
Which Article of the Constitution is the Legislative Branch?
Article I
When the president signs a treaty during a ceremony with another head of state, the president is portraying his role as...
Head of State.
The North Koreans invaded the South causing the UN to react to stop this invasion. The War is known as ...
The Korean War.
One of the United States Foreign Policy goals is to promote democracy around the world.
True or False
This form of government allows the people to elect candidates that represent them.
Indirect Democracy, Representative Democracy, or a Republic
Only Congress has the power to declare...
Is it true or false that the president can make war anytime he wants, however, congress has no say in the matter?
The United States entered this conflict in order to stop the communist north from taking over this Southeast Asian country.
Vietnam War
According to the War Powers Act of 1973 the president can make war for 60 days but must get .....
Congressional approval to go beyond the 60 days.
This form of government involves one ruler.
Absolute Monarch, Dictator, or Autocrat (Autocracy)
Which federal branch of government is responsible for funding the government and the military?
The Legislative Branch.
Congress can check the war powers of the president by enacting the _____ _____ ____ of 1973 by withholding funding for the military.
War Powers Act
During the Cold War, the United States main task in foreign affairs was to contain ......
This act of terrorism took place in 3 different cities in the United States causing the United States to enter Afghanistan to track down those responsible.
Sept. 11 2001
This form of Monarchy is limited due to the fact that it is subject to a ..........
Constitution (Constitutional Monarchy)