Unit 1 & 2
Unit 3 & 4
Unit 5 & 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
What are the eight purposes of government?
1. protects citizens and property 2. makes and enforces laws 3. collects taxes 4. funds and runs social programs 5. educates citizens 6. runs the military and conducts war 7. makes agreements with other countries 8. runs the economy
What did the term “taxation without representation” mean?
Colonists were upset that the British government taxed them and they did not have representatives in Parliament
Define social contract.
An agreement between citizens and the government where citizens agree to give up some freedoms in order to get protection of the government.
What are five responsibilities of the Legislative Branch?
Make and pass laws; raising money for the gov’t; declaring war; approve presidential appointments; impeach and remove president and Supreme Court Justices.
What is the Bill of Rights?
The 1st ten amendments to the constitution.
Define majority rule.
A system of voting where more than 50% (1/2) is needed to win and everyone must follow what the majority decides.
What is a primary election? What is a general election and when is it?
Primary: An election within a political party to choose a candidate to run in the general election. General:The election in which the leader is chosen. It is on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
Define natural rights and list what they are, and name who thought of them.
Natural rights are rights you are born with. They are life, liberty, and property. John Locke
Explain the difference between proportional and equal representation.
Equal = same number of representatives per state (2). proportional = number of reps based on population. The higher the population, the more reps.
Name the five freedoms of the First Amendment
Speech – you can say what you want Religion – the government cannot stop you from practicing your religion or force you practice one that you don’t want to. Assembly – You are allowed together together into groups as long as it is peaceful Petition – You are allowed to ask the government for things Press – You are allowed to write and publish what you want as long as it is not lies that hurt someone’s reputation
List three characteristics of democracies.
- All citizens vote - power is in the hands of the citizens - majority rules
What officially ended the Revolutionary War?
Treaty of Paris
What is ‘separation of powers’ and why did Framers include it in the Constitution?
Separation of powers=power is separated into 3 branches. It is included in the Constitution to make sure that no branch is more powerful than another branch and no branch will abuse its power.
What are the two groups that make up Congress and how many are in each group?
Senate has 100 members, House of Representatives has 435 members
What is the 15th Amendment?
gave African American men the right to vote
Name four societies that had some type of democracy before the United States.
Ancient Greece (Athens) Ancient India Ancient Rome Great Britain (Constitutional Monarchy)
Describe at least one responsibility of each level of government, federal, state, and local.
Federal: relations w other countries; national security; regulating interstate trade (economy); making laws necessary for those responsibilities State: regulate trade (economy) within the state; run elections; issue licenses; protect public health and safety; public schools Local: tasks/laws that ONLY affect the city/town. (that includes running schools)
List the three branches of government and their main responsibilities.
1. Executive branch - enforce laws 2. Legislative branch - make laws 3. Judicial branch - interpret laws
Who is your representative in the US House of Representatives AND the US Senate?
Michael Capuano/Stephen Lynch, and John Kerry and Scott Brown
What are the Fifth Amendment rights?
1. no self-incrimination 2. no double jeopardy 3. right to be formally accused (charged) 4. cannot be deprived of life liberty, or property without due process. 5. Eminent Domain: the government can take your property for public use if they pay a fair price
Name one pro and one con each about monarchies and theocracies.
Monarchy: Pro: leaders are usually well-trained Con: you can only be leader if you are the son or daughter of the previous ruler Theocracy: Pro: Leaders are usually trusted by the people Con: You may be treated differently if you have a different religion.
Describe the four major causes of the Revolutionary War.
1. French and Indian War: Britain needed to pay for it and so they taxed the colonists. 2. Taxes: Sugar Act; Stamp Act; Townshend Acts 3. Quartering Act: Colonists were forced to house British soldiers 4. Representation: Colonists were being taxed without representation in British Parliament
List three qualifications a person must meet to be president?
1. Natural born citizen 2. 35 years of age 3. Resident of USA for 14 years
LIST the steps of a bill becoming a law
1. Introduced to House or Senate. 2. Sent to committee, debated, voted on. 3. Sent to whole house; debated; voted on. 4. Introduced to other house-->the whole process repeats. 5. Conference committee makes the two versions of the bill the same. 6. The final vote (it only passes if BOTH houses vote to pass new bill) 7. Goes to President; signs or vetoes. 8. If veto, Congress may override by 2/3 vote.
What are the Sixth Amendment rights?
1. speedy public trial by jury 2. to be informed of the crimes you are accused of 3. to question witnesses against you and bring own witnesses 4. to have a lawyer